Effective Ways to Grow your Business and Get More Global Customers

One of the major goal of every business is to grow both nationally and globally in order to attract a large customer base and make sales; but honestly, making sales is one of the most important thing; for me of course, and I am sure you agree.

Push aside the question of how you can grow your small business into a large business and focus more on strategies to grow your business, and how to expand your small business in order to get more customers.

Although, one of the questions we forget to ask ourselves is if our business can actually succeed in the international market. The international market is quite competitive, but easy to break into. Thinking your business will survive globally does not necessarily mean it will. That is why you need a new strategy.

If you truly want to expand your customer base globally, then you need to focus on your business strategy and the growth of your business such that it attracts more customers. Click here to find out you can start the process of taking your business globally.

Before you launch a new strategy, take a minute to ask yourself: “Will this attract customers who will pay for my products?” “Will this take my business globally?” “Will I use this strategy in the long run?” and most importantly, “How will this affect my business?”.

If you have positive answers to these questions then go ahead but if there are loopholes, then worry not because I have some effective ways with you can grow your business and get more customers.

1. Do You Know Your Customer Base?

You just cannot grow if you do not know your customer base.

An entrepreneur who sells kids clothing cannot market to teenagers because they are not the ideal customer base but, an entrepreneur who sells video games and markets to teenage boys is bound to make sales. And with the right tactics, can retain them as customers.

In a business, new/existing customers breathe life into a business. Imagine a business without customers; it certainly cannot grow because they keep your company running as your business is “for them”.

As such, you should know who your consumers are. Know who you are targeting, think about their pain point and find out how your products can make their lives better.

grow your business
Photo Credit: brushyourideas.com

You should also avoid targeting everyone in the market and instead, narrow down your ideal customer. For example, imagine someone who sells iPhone cases targeting every phone user in the market when there are Samsung users, Techno users and so on. What if there are very few iPhone users in his locale? That means little or no business for him.

Few products interests a vast majority of people, and targeting everyone in the market will prevent you from making sales or even developing targeted strategies to attract customer. If you do not know your customer base then your business cannot grow because you will keep going after the wrong people.

2. Are You Making Use of Social Media?

Social media is such a powerful tool as it connects everyone around the world; making it the best place to reach a more global audience and market your products.

There are so many social networks to choose from. From Twitter to Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Whatsapp, Snapchat, Youtube, Reddit, Tumblr, etc, you can practically market your products on different channels and expand your bsiness.

Bellafricana personally makes use of different social networks like Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp and Twitter, with us also making use of IGtv on Instagram. If you have ever wondered how Bellafricana is always in everyone’s face, then you know now; because we use the power of social media.

grow your business: social media
Photo Credit: neilpatl.com

In order to reap all the benefits of social media, make sure you are on all of the major platforms (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter and Snapchat), and are constantly updating all your social media accounts on a daily basis so it reaches a wider audience.

You also need to find out which social media works best for your business so you can promote more there while still using the other accounts. For example, a lot of people have more followers and make most of their sales on Instagram; but it does not stop them from using other social networks.

The best part of social media is that it is easier to engage with prospective customers thus building trust between you and your customers. It also makes it very easy for people to talk about and share your products and services thus putting it in the eye of a wider audience.

You can as well consider social media ad which is another great way to reach a wider audience because you can target a specific audience of your choice and have your products seen by thousands or even millions of people around the world. The effect of social media on your brand cannot be over emphasized!

3. Do You Use Testimonials?

You cannot build trust if there are no testimonials from people either on your social media account or your website. For the purpose of advertising and promotion, quality testimonials showing past customers review of your products or services attracts customers who may just scroll past your page.

If customers do not come to you with their experiences, go to them, ask for their experiences and use it. For example, if you teach digital marketing, you want to gather all the reviews from your past students on your website so your business looks as credible as possible. Did your student make 3 million Naira from an ad in less than two weeks? Use it!

grow your business
Photo Credit: orbitmedia.com

I own a skincare business on the side and whenever I get a review from a customer, one that is really good and credible, you better believe I will use that testimonial on my business page  to capture the attention of new customers and show people that my products are good.

Without testimonials your business is not likely to grow very fast so do not be humble about your accomplishments, post those testimonials and show the world what people have benefited/earned from doing business with you.

However, in the case where you own a website, where should you put testimonials? Well, you want to put it where people can easily see it. So it is best to put it on the product page or next to the product it mentions, and on your most popular page where everyone will see it.

4. Have You Created a Website?

Small businesses also need a website too. You are not likely to break into the global market if you are still operating your business on social media.

For the purpose of professionalism, owning a website/online store is just the way to go. Although, many people wonder how to grow their business online or what strategies they can use to grow their business. Click here to find out how you can grow your business online.

Thankfully now, almost everyone in the world owns a phone/laptop and can operate it. It has become much easier to search Google for what you need, which is where owning a website becomes useful as Google is likely to show websites in the search results than social media accounts.

grow your business
Photo Credit: wix.com

For example, if you search for Natural Organic Products, Google is likely to bring out www.beautifullynappy.com/ where you can shop for any organic product you want. Skincare entrepreneurs who still operate on social media are not likely to have their social media pages come up in the search results when online stores/websites are taking over.

Most people now trust online stores compared to social media stores because it seems more credible. So if you want to expand your business globally, you should consider having an online store/website. Or you can consider selling on other international market places like Amazon, eBay, etc.

Your online store/website is like your personal billboard where you can advertise your products in order to ensure your products are in the public eye. And with the right SEO techniques, you can ensure your website and products rank well on search engines.

5 Lessons in Life People Learn Too Late

There are a lot of things no one teaches you about life; except those brief moments your parents talk to you and give life advices that end up being useful at some point. Some lessons you learn from people around you and others from your personal life experiences but not everyone actually learn anything till it is too late.

Some life lessons you learn as a kid play an important role in determining your future because every life lesson learned at whatever point in your life affects your mindset. I am a huge fan of learning because no knowledge is wasted and it will always impact my future and how I go about life; and I would rather learn a good lesson than learn from my mistake.

I came across these 5 five lessons in life people learn too late, collated by Evan Carmichael and I learned quite a lot from it. He gathered advices from different notable people and it inspired me because I enjoy learning from people who are already successful.

Are there some mistakes you have made due to a situation you handled wrongly? You do not have to make any mistake because when you learn, you do things better. Here are some inspirational life lessons for you to take note of before it is too late.

1. Don’t Sleepwalk through Life (Warren Buffett):

Sleepwalking through life is basically going about life unconsciously without thinking of the future or having a clear vision; hoping that someone will take over. Buffett explains this by simply saying you should look for a job you would take if you did not need a job instead of expecting everything to be great; saying “I will do this and I will do that”.

He further says you really want to do what you love doing and you will not find it on your first job so keep searching till you do; which simply means you should try to find your passion/purpose.

2. Live Life without Fear (Will Smith):

Lessons in Life
Photo Credit: YouTube (Grasp Power)

According to Smith, he would suggest people to take a daily confrontation with fear. He says fear tells lies, holds you back and makes you overthink things but, once you face your fears, everything after that becomes blissful and you begin to wonder why you were scared in the first place.

In his words, “the point of maximum danger is the point of minimum fear.” He also says God placed the best things in life on the other side of terror so the best thing to do is to face your fear.

3. Stop Complaining (Gary Vaynerchuk):

To Vaynerchuk, it takes understanding to realise you live in a world where you are blessed with so much opportunities; yet you complain.

Complaining, to him only prevents you from enjoying the good things of life as you fail to see the blessings all around you when you complain about what you have/don’t have. You could be in worse situation but you are not so instead of complaining, take a step back and recognise how blessed you are.

4. Know Your Destination (Simon Sinek):

According to Sinek, when given a clear destination, you naturally use your own creativity, renovation and problem solving abilities to overcome every obstacle to get to your destination because the destination is more important than the route.

He gives an example of when he tells someone to go somewhere in a “straight” direction and while the person is going, he puts a chair in front of the person. The person can either come to a halt and not go further because of the chair which is an obstacle, or that person can make a turn and go in another direction in order to get to the destination.

He says the obstacle for both people is the same but if the destination is clear, the obstacle becomes easy to overcome and if there is no clear destination, you will keep coming to a halt. A short life lesson learned already.

He goes on further to say successful measurement is not just about the steps you take but making sure these steps take you to your destination thus, you should know your destination, set your goal and overcome the obstacle.

5. Enjoy Life (Jack Ma):

This is self explanatory. To Ma, the world is so wonderful so why burden yourself working constantly? It is best to retire early and enjoy your life!

Watch the video below:


10 Reasons Why The World Is A Global Village

We are in the 21st century and the world is already being recognized as a “global village”. The world is now almost connected by telecommunications as well as the internet/media; as everyone now has access to any information they want, they can learn anything, contact anyone, carry out business transactions, even build their very own business brand; and all from the comfort of their couch. Looking back at the olden age, all these privileges we enjoy were not available in the 1800s or early 1900s by our ancestors, so to say, as they lived in a time where everything was backwards and underdeveloped, Africa especially.

For your keen knowledge, the word “Global Village” was a phrase coined by Marshall McLuhan in 1964, which he used to describe how the world is connected as a result of modern communication; thus linking everyone in the world. The idea of the global village is that everyone, just like one extended central nervous system is connected by telecommunications, the media and the internet as a whole. Looking at how things are today, we can all testify that we can’t do without the internet or our gadgets (not even if we tried) because they’ve become an important part of our everyday lives; whether we’re working, reading/learning something new, disseminating or gathering information, or just for the fun of it.

Why then is the world a global village? Why didn’t we just remain in the olden era and live as our ancestors did? Well, the world became a global village because a lot of things needed to change, there was a need for development and a need to bridge the gap between people of the world. Here’s why the world decided to become globalized and what gaps needed to be bridged:

  1. Cultural Barrier: 

Before globalization, the internet and telecommunications, the biggest problem the world had were cultural differences and misinformation. Looking at how Joseph Conrad portrayed Africans in his novel “Heart of Darkness”, there was a misconception on his part due to lack of information as he saw Africans as barbaric, uncultured animals but, now, thanks to the internet, Africa is being seen as a vast cultural nation with talents, creativity, culture, beauty and so on.

Ethiopian cultural clothes

Living in the world as a global village, everyone can now learn a lot about different countries as well as their culture without having to travel there. For example, through the use of the media which connects everyone in the world, people have learnt about and even travelled to witness Calabar festival, Dubai shopping festival, Paris fashion week, Lagos Fashion and Design Week, as well as other events around the world thus, breaking the barrier of cultural misconception.

  1. Information:

Information wasn’t widely spread as it is now. Back then, it would take days or even weeks for information to be spread among states but now, thanks to globalization which first brought newspapers, radios, televisions and then the world wide web known as the Internet and social media, information can be spread across the world in a couple of minutes. We no longer miss anything (no need for newspapers either) and we’re constantly updated 24/7 about what’s happening on the other side of the world without being there and, we can easily share our views and opinions, all thanks to the media. Although television is still in use, our phones especially have become an easy means of having “information with you on the go” as you can check for anything online anytime and anywhere (explains why I’m always on my phone).

  1. Communication: 

Just like it was with information, it was also very difficult to communicate with one another in the olden era, especially with someone in a different country. Before the invention of the post office, you’d have to pay a visit to whoever you wanted to communicate with; so long as they were in the same town with you (thankfully that’s over) but now, the internet has practically changed the world and has impacted communication thus, enabling everyone to communicate easily regardless of the distance (you just have to pick up your phone and call or send a message to anyone anywhere in the world).

Globalization first brought to us phones and then the internet/social media which has made it easier to communicate with anyone anywhere in the world even without calling thus breaking the communication barrier (video calls have also made it easier for you to feel like you’re there with your loved one, it’s super exciting). Almost everyone in the world now has access to a gadget or the internet, which has become the main mode of communication.

  1. Trade:

Trade by barter was what existed back then but now, I certainly wouldn’t want to trade my shoe for a bag when I can buy the bag anywhere (I can have my cake and eat it). I also wouldn’t want to go to the market to buy something when I can easily order it online, from the comfort of my home, and have it brought to my doorstep. Globalization has changed the conventional ways of trading (buying and selling) and has transformed the physical market into an online market/ platform like Bellafricana, as more shoppers use the internet to buy goods daily and also, most offline markets are now taking their business to the internet as it is easier to reach a vast audience in a short while (the internet is everything!). Thus, increasing capital, and making trade between countries easier.

  1. Transportation and Travel:
A view in the Chad desert.

Back then, the mode of transportation was either through walking, canoe, or the use of animals (before bicycles were invented of course), despite the distance. Thankfully, now, we no longer have to walk a long distance like the people of Israel did because transportation now connects us easily through fast and effective means of transportation. Globalization helped us conquer time and distance through the use of cars, trains and planes which runs on fuel/diesel rather than manpower. Now, you can easily travel anywhere around the world (you no longer have to walk thankfully) for any reason whatsoever without any hassle.

  1. Creative Awareness:
Nigerian Textile Industry rise, African Culture, Africa, fashion, fabrics, Tatase Lagos, Bellafricana
Ndop fabric used in an art and culture exhibition

Back then, though people were creative geniuses, they had no means of showcasing their talent. Thanks to globalization now, you can create an artwork or a piece of art, post it on the internet and have it seen by people around the world (even sell it) and, just about anyone can use and access the internet from any device. Africa for example, being a vast country full of people who are highly creative can now showcase their talents, indigenous arts and culture to people around the world.

  1. Job Opportunities:

I think we can all agree that it’s now easier to find a job online than it was years ago when you had to go around with your CV looking for job vacancies (it was really frustrating). Now, there are online sites you can search for job opportunities and easily send your CV without moving an inch. Not to mention that you can even start your own business online, promote it and make your own income. All these weren’t possible then but now, globalization has made life a bit easier as it opens our business market to a whole new world.

  1. Improve Standard of Living

Like I said earlier, globalization has made life a lot easier and has improved our standards of living as consumers now have more opportunities to pick quality items at the right place for the right price with no restrictions on the goods. Also, everything can be done from the comfort of our homes now without much stress, improving the standard of living for people across the world.

Standard of Living


  1. Togetherness:

Globalization has brought people of the world together even during trying times. The good side of globalization is that it has connected people such that we’re aware of the sufferings, attacks, war and bad things happening around the world such that we come together to fight for a good cause, lend a helping hand as well as spread peace and love to everyone affected. For example, during governmental oppression of the masses, protests are done on social media against the government to raise awareness and put an end to it.

  1. Modernity and Diversity:

Globalization has brought about modernization in countries like India, Nigeria, etc that were economically backwards and has also increased diversity in all fields, which has brought about different opinions as well as solutions to problems that weren’t seen.

A lot of barriers that hindered growth and development needed to be broken, which was what brought about globalization, turning the world into a global village connecting everyone around the world. Globalization broke the barrier of distance, communication, buying and selling, travelling, and so on, turning the world into a small, developed, modern village. As such, the world as a global village has successfully brought everyone around the world together irrespective of their race, gender or tribe.

Fashion in the Work Place: Spice up your Office Outfits

Wearing the same outfit to the office can get boring at some point; not to mention that we sometimes run out of clothes to wear, and having to decide what to wear again, every single day from our conventional office outfits can be frustrating. As a 9-5 worker myself, I just want to throw my hoodie on a nice pair of comfortable shorts, wear my slippers, cross my bag and head to work. Unfortunately, that’s a poor choice of outfit and I would probably lose my job.

The office isn’t exactly a place to show off your fashion skills and dress over the top but when you work in a big organization, you’re required to dress your best and look as presentable as possible. It’s worthy to note that fashion at the work place isn’t for females alone, as we love seeing our men dressed in a nice two or three piece designer suit.

Take away the conventional skirt, blouse/blazer and pair of flats for women, as well as the conventional black, brown or jean trouser, button-up shirt and boring polished shoes for men, you can take your office outfit from normal to creative whilst dressed in pure African made clothing, looking as elegant as possible.

So then, how can you spice up your office outfit without looking like you are going for a James Bond movie premier? I have selected a few office-worthy outfits from verified Bellafricana members for both  men and women to give you that office outfit inspiration.


I don’t know if it’s just me but there’s something “normal” about seeing female office workers dressed in skirt/pant suit, a blouse/blazer (usually black/navy blue), matched with a pair of flats. I mean, normal is boring and we see/wear those outfits everyday! You don’t have to be an American or work in America to dress like a fashion guru to the work place, and you don’t need to break the bank to do so either. You also don’t need to overdo your outfit to get compliments or turn heads at your work place; and that’s why I am here, to transform your office outfit.

Two-Piece Suit:

Female two piece suit, Fashion in the Work Place fabric made by Adire lounge bellafricana verified

I know, suit again, but this isn’t the conventional, dull looking office suit, thankfully! Fabric Made by Adire Lounge, this two piece suit is everything! It is super stylish, classy, and don’t get me started on the fabric. From the color assemble which is actually my favorite thing about this outfit to the V-line details, the pocket details and the button with that fluffy design, this outfit will certainly be my go-to to brighten my Monday and revamp my office wardrobe.

Best part is that this suit is a mixture of different colors so you have so many color options when deciding to pair it without looking too colorful and, regardless of your age, you can rock this suit to your office and still look classy. I would pair this outfit with a black inner like she did, a red shoe, minimal makeup with red lips to stand out, and probably a blue bag/purse to pull the whole look together.

You can also decide to add a few accessories like a silver dropping earring or bracelet, but go for minimal, less flashy accessories as the suit is colorful enough.


Female shoes by k aspen bellafricana verified

Push your flat shoes to the curb; heels at the office is a big yes for looking elegant and classy; just make sure to keep it below 4 inches. Pump’s are perfect for the work place because they’re not “party-like” or too flashy so you’ll still look work-ready and classy at the same time.

I actually love that this pump, made by K. Aspen is a mixture of two simple colors (mustard yellow and red), so this makes it office-ready and at the same time, you can turn it from a day-to-night shoe; probably for dinner. This pump also has similar colors as the two piece suit so its a perfect pair for it…outfit inspiration!

Wear your designer two piece suit, paired with this pump and you’re good to go for that jaw-dropping look once you arrive at the office. You can as well pair this shoe with a black, lace fitted gown to beautify the outfit, a yellow jumpsuit or whatever you’d like; the options are endless.


Women bags, insipre by pine tree bellafricana verified

Going to work without a bag? I didn’t think so! Bags are every woman’s best-friend; they’re where you keep makeup, accessories, books, even cats. Everything goes into your bags as they keep you organized on the go and are also made to complement your outfit, which is why just any bag can’t be pick when heading out.

Most people choose big bags but, I am transforming your office wears into something elegant and that includes bags; so no more gigantic bags. Small, purse-like bags are the new “it” because they keep you more organized than big bags which leaves searching for one thing or the other.

A black bag would be good but you need to add a little bit of color, which is why this Biro blue bag by Inspire by Pine Tree with a touch of Ankara is perfect. The color on its own is bright and beautiful and as such, it can complement any outfit, the bag is small, portable and chic. What’s not to like?


The only thing more attractive than a man who dresses well is a man who smells nice; but let’s talk about your outfit instead, and not your perfume. Your perfume can smell so nice but a good perfume on an ugly outfit is a big no! Button-up shirts and black/brown trouser is no longer in vogue, and it’s pretty boring now.

Not to mention that well dressed men are considered more attractive than women because of their masculine physique and strong facial look. As a guy, you don’t have to wear too much to look good; simplicity is key for men. Here’s how you can transform your office outfit:


Men suits

We’re not talking about the traditional suit but rather, a fashionable designer suit. Away with the ugly, grandpa suit and in with the modern James Bond suit! This suit by JZO Fashion is fashionable, simple and classic all in one; it’s also bright but not too flashy at the same time so it says “hello, notice me”.

This Biro blue suit with a touch of woven black by the waist pocket and plain black by the breast pocket, along with black pants is enough to create a bold look for any man, any day, anywhere. I love that there’s a distinction compared to other male suits as the jacket doesn’t end on the same line when you button it, and it has a touch of “Africa” with the noticeable detail on the waist pocket. Pair this outfit with a nice pair of wristwatch and a leather shoe, and you’re good to go. Best part is that you can take this suit from a day-to-night outfit as well so you get to turns heads both in and outside your office.


men shoes

Shoes are a necessity for every outfit and although most men wear sandals or sneakers to work, for an elegant office look, I prefer more of a premium, designer footwear suited for the office (not Nike sneakers; that’s for a day out). Looking at this shoe by Morok Xpression, it is breathtaking! There is no way you will wear this and not feel comfortable, everyone would even have their eyes on you because this shoe is a bold statement meant to pull together any look.

Sure, it is black but it is a shiny black made of high quality leather, and the fabric hanging halfway down from the buckle is another noticing detail. It is not an everyday shoe you will buy from the market which makes it the perfect choice of shoe. Your sandals will feel ordinary but pairing this shoe with a statement suit is sure to transform any boring office outfit into something elegant.

Choosing an outfit for the office can be a bit daunting; especially when you have worn everything you possibly own but when you have the right, elegant outfit and you know what to buy as well as what to pair it with, you will never run out of what to wear. Now that I’ve shown you how to transform a conventional office outfit to something elegant and classy, ditch that old pant suit, those button up shirts, old blouse or whatever it is you have and revamp your wardrobe by getting new, statement office pieces.

Meet The Founder Of Ovelly Naturals – Exclusive Interview

In this exclusive interview, I had the privilege to learn about the brain behind Ovelly Naturals, and how she started an amazing natural skin care brand here in Nigeria, that  caters for the African Skin and protects it from dangerous chemicals. Olubukola birthed her business while on a quest for safe and non-toxic skin care products.

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Tourism The Beauty Of Africa : Top 8 Wildlife Safari Parks In Africa

An African safari trip is an experience of a lifetime as you get to satisfy your wanderlust in the wild and marvel at nature at her absolute finest. Each destination is as diverse as the culture and people so visitors always have a wealth of options for their adventure.

Some travelers come in for the amazing scenery, while others flock to get some outdoor action like hiking and hot air balloon rides. As such, it pays to have an idea of which locations offer what experiences you seek. If the highlight of your safari is to witness majestic wildlife in their natural habitat, however, then consider these top eight wildlife safari parks on the continent:

1. Kruger National park

This is one of the largest wildlife reserves in Africa and is located in the northeastern parts of South Africa in the province of Limpopo and Mpumalanga. The park occupies a 19,485 km square and is regarded as a world heritage site by UNESCO. The Kruger National Park is a beautiful wilderness that is home to the ‘Big Five’, as well as hundreds of mammals, including antelope, wild dog, jackal, giraffe, and Blue wildebeest.

2. Serengeti National Park

The Serengeti National Park is located in Tanzania, stretching all the way to the East Masai Mara regions in Kenya. It is a world famous safari park spanning over the 30,000km square with an unparalleled panorama of vast rolling plains. The Serengeti boasts a variety of wildlife including the famous ‘Big five’ – Lions, African leopard, African bush elephant, eastern black rhinoceros and African buffalo. There are over 500 species of birds and carnivores like cheetah, hyena, honey badger, and African wild dogs.

One unique feature and a must-see for every tourist is the annual migration of wildebeest. Over 2.5 million wildebeest, zebras, Thomson’s gazelle, and antelopes migrate here between June and November to find better grazing. This phenomenon has been categorized as a world wonder.

3. Hwange National Park

Formerly known as Wankie game reserve, Hwange National Park is the largest wildlife reserve in Zimbabwe today. The park spans an impressive 14,651 km square and was named after a local Nhanzwa chief. It became a national park in 1961 and is located in the northwestern part of Zimbabwe between Bulawayo and Victoria Falls. Hwange offers an amazing variety of wildlife, such as impalas, African buffaloes, lions, as well as one of the largest population of elephants on the planet, and more than 400 bird species.

4. Masai Mara National Reserve

Recently ranked as the number one Safari Park on the planet by World Travel Award(WTA), the Masai Mara Game Reserve is indeed a wonder to behold. It is located in the southwest of Kenya, running along the Tanzanian border and occupying a 1,510 km square area. The park is named in honor of the famous Masai tribe and is famous for its exceptional variety of wildlife including the ‘big five’ and the Great Wildebeest Migration.

5. Chobe National Park

This breathtaking wildlife park is located in the northern parts of Botswana. It is the first national park in the country and third largest park after Kalahari and Gemsbok national parks. Covering up to 12,000km square of land, Chobe National Park plays host to concentrations of diverse wildlife including lions, giraffes, antelopes, cheetahs, zebras, wildebeest and over 450 species of bird. The Park is divided into four areas: The Serondela area, the Savuti march, the Linyanti March, and Hinterland.

6. Kibale National Forest Park

Kibale forest national park is located in western Uganda and spans across 776 km square. It is regarded as having the highest concentration of primates in all of Africa because of its impressive array of chimpanzees, red colobus monkeys, and L’Hoest’s monkeys, as well as other endangered species. Visitors here will also be amazed by the lush rainforest and scenic landscapes.

7. Etosha National Park

Located in the northwest region of Namibia, Etosha National Park covers more than 20,000km square and is famous for its ease in spotting varieties of wildlife. Unlike other African safaris where you have to drive round to see the animals, the animals at Etosha national park usually come to you. Simply park your vehicle near one of the many water holes and enjoy viewing animals in their hundreds — lions, elephants, gemsbok, springbok and various bird species.

8. Luangwa National Park

Several wildlife enthusiasts have dubbed Luangwa National Park as one of the greatest wildlife sanctuaries in the world. This is because the concentration of animals around the Luangwa River and oxbow lagoons is among the most intense in Africa. The park is situated in the eastern part of Zambia and covers 9,050 km square area. The river is filled with hippos and crocodiles, while the land supports over 60 species of mammal, including Thornicroft giraffe, cape buffaloes, elephants, and leopards. It also supports a large population of bird species.

Article culled from africa.com

GTBank Food And Drink Fair Is Back!!!

Are you wondering why I am so excited?

Just imagine yourself surrounded by deliciously looking cuisines and delicacies from all around the world. You will definitely be spoiled for choice. Just imagine looking through and seeing some sizzling hot afang soup, efo riro, ewa agotin and agege bread, some lasagne, tacos and so much more staring at you in the face! Ah! Heavenly right?

This is just the tip of the iceberg, because GTBank food and drink fair promises a whole lot more! If you are hearing abou this fair for the first time here, here’s a brief explanation below. (You can find out more here)

GTBank Food & Drink Fair is GTBank’s annual food exhibition and sales event that aims to project the diverse angles of the food industry by connecting various businesses involved in the production and sale of food-related items to a cosmopolitan audience of food enthusiasts.

This year’s edition will take place on 28th, 29th, 30th of April and on May 1st, 2019 at the GT Centre – Plot 1, Water Corporation Drive, Oniru, Victoria Island, Lagos.

GTBank’s annual Food & Drink Fair is an annual exhibition and sales event that aims to project the diverse angles of the food industry by connecting various businesses involved in the production and sale of food related items to a cosmopolitan audience of food enthusiasts.

There will be a wide variety of food exhibitors showcasing and selling food products ranging from fresh organic groceries to dry foods, confectionary and pastries, ready to eat consumables, top quality crockery and wine & champagnes.

In addition to the exhibition and sales, the GTBank Food & Drink event will also offer culinary experiences such as food and wine tastings, cooking master classes with renowned International and Nigerian chefs, outdoor grills and thrilling entertainment.

The exhibition will host more than 70 food exhibitors across 2,400m2 of exhibition space within the Food & Drink Centre at Plot 1, Water Corporation drive, Oniru, Victoria-Island, Lagos. The best part is attendance is free!

CBN To Set To Revive Nigeria’s Textile Industry

The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has announced plans to revive Nigeria’s textile industry, unveiling measures that will see the development achieved. To this effect, the CBN has placed a restriction on forex access to importers of textiles and other clothing materials into the country. Henceforth, importers of textile and textile materials will not be able to purchase foreign exchange from banks and Bureau de change as well as other operators in the official foreign exchange market.

The announcement was made by the CBN Governor, Mr. Emefiele, at a meeting with textile industry stakeholders which held in Abuja last week.

“Effective immediately, the CBN hereby place the access to FX for all forms of textile materials on the FX restriction list. Accordingly, all FX dealers in Nigeria are to desist from granting any importer of textile material access to FX in the Nigerian Foreign exchange market.”

According to Mr Emefiele, the restriction will boost the domestic textile industry as well as create jobs for Nigerians. He noted that the apex bank would initially support the importation of cotton lint for use in textile factories, with a caveat that such importers will begin to source their cotton needs locally beginning from 2020.


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