Did you know that onions are actually classified as vegetables? Well if you just went on google to search and confirm, then you were in my shoes a few months ago. Wow!
Funny thing is although I majored in the sciences, I never really gave it a serious thought.. Oh well! Vegetables are the parts of a plant which are edible and can be consumed as food by man.
They can be eaten either raw or cooked, and play an important role in human nutrition, being mostly low in fat and carbohydrates, but high in vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. Many nutritionists encourage people to consume plenty of fruit and vegetables, five or more portions a day often being recommended.
It might not have crossed your mind, but majority of the native dishes in Africa contain these veggies in whole or processed form. In the age of take outs, canned foods and processed foods, it is advisable to choose veggies.
WHY? The numerous health benefits and accessibility outweigh any other type of food consumed. Some examples of these are: onions, garlic, tomatoes, okra, cabbage, egg plant, pepper , cucumber , potatoes , carrots , water lemon , lettuce, beetroot, banana , plantain etc.
Some countries in the elevated central African regions—Burundi, Rwanda, Ethiopia, and Kenya—grow potato. Whereas Banana dominates Rwanda, and Ethiopia also relies on chickpea and lentil. And South Africa records its leading vegetable crops as potato, tomato, sweet corn, onion, pumpkin, carrot, cabbage, lettuce, and beetroot.
- Vegetables supply our bodies with natural vitamins and antioxidants needed to maintain the body’s natural metabolic system,
- For weight loss and maintenance, they are naturally low in fat and calories, and have no cholesterol.
- A rich diet of vegetables as part of an overall healthy diet may protect against the occurrence of certain types of cancers.
- The presence of the antioxidants in them, helps to repel and reduce the effects gotten from radio-logical activities in the environment. As a result of its mineral nutrients, vegetables help to prevent aging, skin burns and helps to keep the skin fresh.
- Vegetables that are rich in potassium, when added in your meal may lower blood pressure, and may also reduce the risk of developing kidney stones and help to decrease bone loss.
When next you make a stop by the grocery store or market, make sure to get as many vegetables as you can.
Health is wealth!