4 Interesting Christmas Shopping Tips

Miel Clothing Adire Fabric

I am super excited to write this article, you know why? We have arrived at the most anticipated season of the year. Tadadaaa!. And most likely you need to do lot of shopping in this season. But I will cut you some slack, as I run you through several items you will need for yourself, or you can get for your loved ones.

Christmas is the time of the year when you try to buy gifts for all your loved ones. However, there is a danger when it comes to shopping and overspending. Especially if you are someone who loves the thrill of searching for a bargain, it is really hard to resist. However, if you have a set budget, you need to make sure that you are not overshooting the budget. So, this post will look at 5 interesting Christmas shopping tips that you need in order to make your Christmas shopping for loved ones and yourself easier.

1. Create a budget

Christmas shopping can be a stressful time of year, especially if you’re not prepared, or think you’re on a budget. If you don’t have a plan, you’ll most likely end up spending more than you had planned to or end up buying unwanted gifts. The first thing you should do is to create a Christmas budget plan. You need to set a realistic budget, and you also need to set your priorities. You may have to make some sacrifices to stick to your plan.

For example, if you have children, you may find that you have to buy them fewer gifts than you had originally planned. However, you can make sacrifices in other areas. For example, you will want to spend more on clothings, accessories and fabrics. Personally, I shop from bellafricana marketplace for fashion wears at affordable prices. On this platform you can get great gift ideas for as low as ₦5,000 ($10). You can often find deals like good handbags, shoes, African fabrics and lot more. Below is a product of Miel clothings.

Artistic brush design by miel clothings on bellafricana marketplace
2. Plan where to buy your gifts

There are many people who do not like shopping for gifts for Christmas. This is because shopping will take a lot of time and energy, so many people do not even want to start looking for Christmas gifts. If you want to make things easier, you should start shopping early. If you do not want to spend a lot of time and energy, you should try to find a good place to buy gifts.

Sometimes, it is hard to find a good place to buy gifts, but there is a way to do it. If you want to find a good place to buy gifts, you should try to find a place that is easy to find. I also recommend Bellafricana marketplace, Basically, it’s a home of creatives, where you can get cheap and affordable handmade wares, and it is not just limited to fashion, you can as well get home decorative products, arts and crafts and lot more. This ceramic below is a product sold on Bellafricana marketplace and made by Opulent ceramics.

Handmade ceramics by opulent ceramics on bellafricana marketplace

Also read: Make A New Mum Smile With These Gifts
3. Know when to shop and what day of the week to buy

There are so many great deals out there, but it’s important to know when to shop for the best deals. You might think that the best time to start shopping for Christmas is as soon as Black Friday rolls around, but that’s not always the case. There are plenty of great deals on Christmas gifts all throughout the holiday season, and the earlier you start shopping, the better.

The best time to start shopping is actually before the holidays, so that you have a lot of time to make thoughtful decisions and buy gifts for everyone on your list. If you wait until the last minute, you’ll have a much harder time finding the best deals and will probably end up spending more than you need to. Catch up all exciting offers from bellafricana marketplace. Meanwhile, if you are considering traveling, you need this classic styled tote bag, crafted by O’Eclat designs. its good for light travels.

Ella maxi tote bag by O'Eclat on bellafricana marketplace

4. Catch up on all the deals and sales

Christmas is a festival for giving and for sharing. But it’s also a time when the economy doesn’t slow down, it’s just the opposite — it keeps growing. People spend money on gifts, they eat out more, they travel more and they buy more. Christmas is the busiest shopping season of the year, and most shoppers spend a lot more at that time of the year.

Most often than not, there are more sales and deals than ever, but you may not notice them because they are happening only at certain times and in certain places, so you need to stay up to date so you don’t miss any of them. Also add to your cart, a nicely scented room diffuser from Abela scent. its will be very much appreciated as a season’s gift.

Abela Gift Box scented candles and diffusers on bellafricana marketplace


Christmas shopping can be stressful, but by following the steps above you can avoid the stress and save yourself time. We hope that you enjoyed our article about Christmas Shopping. With these tips, we hope that you have a better understanding of how to find some affordable, interesting gifts for Christmas. So what are you waiting for? Start shopping for that special someone in your life today! Get on Bellafricana marketplace to get all budget friendly and super nice christmas items.

Always leave a message!


I always leave a message, especially if it’s important. And I have found out that it works.

You are calling a prospect again to remind him or her of your services. You ended into a voice mail again, just like you were the last time you called. And the time before that. And the time before that. What should you do?

Leave another message? Hang up and try again next week with the hopes of finally getting through to a real person?

Leave a message. Pleasant persistence always wins. Leave a message [text or voice mail] just often enough to remind your prospect of your services or product. But don’t call so often that you actually are making a nuisance of yourself.


Why Should You Leave A Message?
  1. You are gaining recognition for your product or services. You may not get through to your prospect this time or next, but the information you leave will.
  2. For another, you are building rapport with your prospect even if you are not making direct contact. Your continued calling will convince your prospect that your are consistent, and persistent.
  3. Finally, you are being informative. One of your products or services might be a sales item. You need to let your prospect know this so they have an opportunity to take advantage of the discount.


Keep your Messages short
  • This is important as you may be perceived as being “the intolerable nuisance” you think you are becoming. Remember KISS? Keep It Short and Simple.
  • Tell most of the important information first. Do not dawdle. Mentioning the benefits your services or product will provide first and then how to contact you.
  • At the end of the message, leave your phone number and/or web site address. Repeat your name, company name, and phone number one more time out of courtesy to the prospect so he or she doesn’t have to repeat the message.

In case your prospect finally decides to pick up the phone and return your call. And they will, you have already laid the ground work, making you one step closer to making a sale.

Telemarketing tips you should know.

Telemarketing Tips You Should Know

Telemarketing should never be undermined, as it could make or break your company. It could even improve or worsen the sales growth of the business. Note, asides from physical and virtual communication,  phone calls are a more direct form of communicating. Understandably, not everyone can be good at telemarketing. Here are Telemarketing tips you should know.

Effective telemarketing campaigns are targeted to customers and prospects that are most likely to respond. They broaden the names of your products, services, or company to the prospects you want to reach.Telemarketing Programs

There are generally two types of telemarketing programs:
  • One that generates a sale or close.
  • One that generates a request for more information.

Which one works for your company, of course, depends upon what type of product or service you are selling. It may be possible to sell your products or services right over the phone. Or it could require an additional appointment for a demonstration with a salesperson. The type of product or service, its complexity, and whether it is hard to sell or not, will also determine the type of telemarketing program you should develop. So when planning your campaign, keep in mind all these factors.

I advice that if your product or service is relatively inexpensive and can be demonstrated easily, using the telemarketing campaign as a way of “selling” appointments or even the product or service, go ahead as it can lead to the conclusion of the sale right over the phone!

If the prospect feels that your product or service is expensive, they generally require more information before they purchase or even consent to a demonstration. In these cases, you may want to design a campaign that triggers a Request for more information.

You must also keep in mind that the more expensive the item you sell, the higher up on the chain of command the decision-maker will be. You need to find out who the proper decision-maker would be, and if they were willing to receive more information on the product or service you are providing.

Furthermore, try calling to verify addresses. Reminding them of your product or service. No hard sell involved, as you are just checking in.


Are You Struggling With Procrastination? Read This!

How many times have you put things off till the last minute? Or pushed things forward till you have little or no time at all to get the task done. This is how procrastination begins a toxic relationship with you.
This simple action when overlooked for too long, can unconsciously become a habit. Procrastination in large part reflects our struggle with self-control as well as our inability to accurately predict how we’ll feel tomorrow, or the next day. “I don’t feel like it” takes precedence over goals; however, it then begets a downward spiral of negative emotions that deter future effort.
Continue reading

9 Tips For Vendors And Exhibitors at Exhibitions

Every so often after an exhibition, you hear vendors say “I didn’t sell at that exhibition, I wont go back next year” And they state this fact as though the organizers of the exhibition were supposed to lead attendees to each vendor one after the other. In the same vein you hear other vendors talk about how they sold out all their products and you wonder how that is even possible. 
Exhibitions can be so much fun for both attendees and vendors. You look around, get inspired, network and get contacts for future projects among other things. Sometimes vendors don’t get to partake in all the fun because they are busy, too busy trying to make sales, but they struggle with that because they were unprepared.

Vendors show up to exhibitions, set up nice looking displays and think that is all there is to it. “Bring products, customers will come” However, that is a strategy that stopped working with the rise of more innovative and creative businesses. To be ahead, you need to think ahead and know all the hacks to nailing an exhibition. Below are 9 ways to make sales at your next trade show.


I tell vendors all the time to be friendly and smile; And No, I don’t mean that phony smile that you plaster on your face when there’s a potential customer in view, but a genuine warm and welcoming smile. That would undoubtedly attract attendees to check out your products. No one likes a snob… or do you?

Imagine walking down a long crowded street and someone just flashed you a random bright smile, by default you would be drawn to approach the person.

You want your products to remain top of mind so even if they aren’t going to purchase there and then; they remember you when they do need what you’re selling.

Also Read: http://digest.bellafricana.com/13-signs-meant-entrepreneur/


Some people will only approach you when you acknowledge their presence. It can be something as simple as “good morning”. Also with the hustle and bustle and elbow jabbing that comes with trade shows and exhibitions, some people may honestly walk past your stand without actually seeing your products.

Approach attendees; call out a greeting, a compliment or something like that. Just acknowledge that you see them there, because when you really think about it, this is not a boyfriend/girlfriend matter where one is posing for the other. You’re trying to make some money (duh) best leave all ego, shyness and their kissing cousins at home.


Do not start with a sales pitch once you have the attention of a potential buyer. Tell a story. People don’t buy what you’re doing; they buy why you’re doing it. Most new businesses are so desperate to generate revenue they forget value. For once I would love to hear a vendor say something like “do you know you can get rid of shoe odour with baking soda? As opposed to “You should buy these shoes they would suit you”  

You absolutely cannot keep asking people to come and buy, come and buy. It causes some sort of real life spam, besides that’s what everyone does so why not bring something different and let your approach make you unforgettable.


Yes, approach and engage attendees as you must, but try not to be too pushy. Most vendors literally want to shove their products down your throat. There’s a thin line between assertive and aggressive, try not to cross it.


It’s always better to have too many people than too little people helping you at your stand. You can’t afford to be short on staff. I have walked away from many stalls because I was just left standing there unattended to. Recruit friends and family to help if you can’t hire extra hands. It is important that while you’re talking to one customer, someone else is engaging the other and calling out to a potential.


At a recent event I attended called the Lagos leather fair, while everyone was handing out complimentary cards, there was this one business -ForFori (makers of leather shoes, belts, wallets and bags) who were giving customers note pads with all their details at the back and product images inside.

I thought that to be very smart, because whether we like it or not, they have imprinted themselves in my mind and made sure they weren’t forgotten soon after the exhibition, because if you make sales at an event what is guarantee that you will get them to come back? Keepsakes. Always have complimentary cards and a freebie. It can be a key ring, a hand band or even a pen. Trust me, it doesn’t have to be anything major. Just be sure to leave something that people will remember you by months after they’ve forgotten about the event.


You’re the brand ambassador of your business, so leave your poker face at home and have fun. Crack jokes, don’t be static or rigid. You may not be an overtly social person but you know someone who is, get them to come with you. I had a blast at Oeclats stand at the Lagos leather fair. The head designer Gbemmy and her friends made m e laugh so much. I was still hanging around their stand long after I had bought one of their products.


Attendees are always on their feet at exhibitions, to make your stall one to go to, invest in foldable chairs and keep them within your perimeter. People will appreciate the thought. Offer them water to drink, something to munch on. Making attendees comfortable serves for good future relationships with them.


This particularly grinds my gears. Some exhibitors will stare you down because someone somewhere told them to make eye contact with customers. They act like predators and will stare till they see a chance to pounce on you with their products. Kindly review this modus operandi; it will chase your customers away.

Trade show Marketing genius Steve Miller advises exhibitors to avoid the following behaviours during exhibitions.

  • Sitting
  • Reading
  • Texting
  • Receiving calls
  • Standing in the aisle
  • Clustering with members of staff
  • Chewing

Exhibitions are all about being noticed, so create unique experiences and always remember the trick is to staying on top of your game.

Having said all the above, it is also important as an organiser of an exhibition/trade show to attract the right kind of traffic to come and patronise or notice the exhibitors.

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Visit www.bellafricana.com to see some quality Afrocentric products Made in Nigeria.



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