Meet the Founder of Clay by Marienne (Exclusive Interview)

Meet the Founder of Clay by Marienne

Maryam Aliyu-Baba is a verified member of Bellafricana and the winner of the best innovative product of the year 2021 at the recently held African Creative Exhibition and Awards. A military wife, mother of four, an entrepreneur and CEO of Clay by Marienne. I had the opportunity to meet the Founder of Clay by Marienne for an exclusive interview.

Please introduce yourself and your background

I am Maryam Aliyu-Baba C.E.O. clay by Marienne. A passionate designer with a BA in Industrial Design (ceramics major) from Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, M.Sc. Hazard Management and Emergency Response IRGIB Africa University and the Winner ACE Awards (2021) best innovative product.

Maryam Aliyu

  • Tell us about your work. How did your company start?

The company started as Marienne art as a student experiencing the pleasure of creating, and the joy of seeing your creations add elegance to spaces. This passion took a back seat as I started having babies. We resumed mid-2021 and evolved into Clay by Marienne after learning that clay is much more than just art but indeed what we were made from and is indeed one with our bodies, possessing amazing healing abilities. It is also good for the environment and has no negative effect on climate, making it the next best thing and an amazing replacement for plastic and other culinary wares.

Clay by Marienne - alkaline bottles

  • How did you come about the name and what does it mean?

Marienne is French for Maryam, so the name is pretty straightforward.

  • What is your niche and how did you know it was a market to get into?

The average global citizen with an awareness of personal health and overall wellbeing, people with health complications who are looking to make a holistic lifestyle change. The market is viable because we as humans are constantly seeking ways to improve wellbeing.

Clay by Marienne for storage

  • Where do you get the inspiration for your products?

Having children, and being exposed to a whole new set of health issues and remedies, and brought about the move to this range of products. Design inspirations come from my creativity and imagination, brainstorming with team members, ideas online and feedback from our esteemed customers.

  • Can you remember one of the first products you made? What makes it memorable?

Yes, I can. It was a set of 3 long neck tabletop vases. They are so memorable because I created them while trying to answer my 300level first semester exams.

clay by marienne products

  • What are some of the challenges you face in your business?

Introducing this new product range to the people and getting them on board. It Is quite challenging to get people to make a lifestyle change.

  • Do you have any regrets about venturing into this line of business?

None; except that I did not come across the knowledge to kick start earlier.

  • What is your most popular product?

It will have to be the alkaline water bottle series.

Clay Alkaline bottles by Marienne

  • To what extent do you draw upon your Nigerian (African) heritage for your work?

To a very large extent, as it is common knowledge that traditional African homes would bury clay pots to store drinking water.

  • What are some of your short term and long term goals, both in your business and life in general?

In business, I look forward to spreading the word and getting as many people as possible on board this journey to a healthier more intentional living; growing the brand and becoming a household name home and abroad.

In life, I look forward to continued learning and being the best possible role model for my growing children and the upcoming generation.

clay bottles by Marienne

  • What would people be surprised to learn about you?

I started out as a B.Sc Chemistry student and made the switch partway after discovering the beauty of the design.

  • What profession would you be in if you weren’t in this industry?

I would be a counsellor or a Teacher.

  • If you could give one piece of advice to anyone who wants to start their own business in your industry, what would it be?

It would be that you should start where you are and with what you have. There is never a perfect time/ situation.

other products by Marienne

There you have it. An exclusive interview with the Founder of Clay by Marienne. To connect with her, you can follow her via:

Instagram – Clay by Marienne

WhatsApp – WhatsApp Clay by Marienne


Meet the founder of Netyarts – (Exclusive Interview)

Meet the Founder of Netyarts. Ms. Neti Usman, a mother whose love for Arts and Craft, colours and culture, drove her to become an entrepreneur. One that enjoys sharing her art with the world. Today, we had a chance to meet up with her for an exclusive interview.


Without further ado, let’s meet the Founder of Netyarts.

Please introduce yourself and your background

My name is NETI USMAN. I’m from a large family, although I am from Edo state I was born in Lagos State, Olodi – Apapa to be precise.  I’ve always been fascinated with Arts and Craft right from secondary school. This drove me into pursuing a diploma in Arts from the University of Lagos and got my first degree in Textile Design from the University of Lagos. I also served at Lagos State council for arts and culture. This only fostered my love for Arts, humanity, culture and heritage, which led me to start my own company – NETYARTS

  • Tell us about your work. How did your company start?

On paper, Netyarts officially started this year but I’ve been on this a long time. So Netyarts started from when I was a student. I was making these beautiful pieces for my friends and their friends but to me, it was just my art and what I enjoyed doing, which also got me money [laughs].  This continued after I finished school and kept pushing it, until I got nominated for Best Indigenous Textile at the ACE Awards, hosted by Bellafricana in 2017. I thought to myself, being recognised for my work, something I love doing is probably a sign that I invest more time into it and take it to the next level. And so I did.

The NETYARTS is into ADIRE Arts and Craft, Handmade, Hand-dyed brand, that produces and promotes handmade and Hand-dyed, creative unique premium quality textile designs on clothing and crafts.

Our products are indigenous motif that tells a story about our culture and heritage. These motifs are created on cotton fabric chiffon, lace, silk, Jersey pashmina/scarfs, polo/ T-shirt, joggers set, silk viscous, Linen and even denim. All our products are durable and colourful.

We also produce end use products like ready to wear, Adire caps, handmade and printed notepads, mugs, shoes, bags, accessories, socks, painting, drawing, string art, interiors décor, and mural. Using resist method like Batik, stitches known as Shibori, starch known as Eleko, and tie-and-dye.

Furthermore, we train and empower women, youth and kids in schools. This also helps to preserve art tradition, culture, rich heritage and textile making skills in Nigeria.


NETYARTS empowering women and youth in craft at the Lagos state council for arts and culture
Netyarts training kids on how to create their own designs on t-shirt and dye
  • How did you come about the name and what does it mean?

Netifah is the name given to me by my parents which means blessing and so I decided to be a blessing to others through art. How? Through training, empowering and producing. I simply shortened the name and added art to it – Netyarts.

Art is the expression of human creative skills and imagination in a visual form.

Netyarts is a blessing of creative beauty.


  • What is your niche and how did you know it was a market to get into?

I had no idea that it was a market to get into at first. Textile Designing is large and vast. I love changing colours and find to very fascinating. Our indigenous Adire fabric is becoming a very appreciating work of art all over the world. Many self-expression fashion designers draw inspiration from it, same as me.

  • Where do you get the inspiration for your products?

Self-expression – imagination, the society.

The more I improve myself, the more I can help the world around me. I have the power to spread love to each and every person that crosses my path through my art.

  • Can you remember one of the first products you made? What makes it memorable?

The first product I made was a motif on paper and I had to do an appliqué on the fabric and dye, was an old comb design from the Gambia’s ancient sculpture so I had to do an appliqué using shibori stitched resist, before dying, seeing it on my mum makes it very memorable, unique and beautiful.

  • What are some of the challenges you face in your business?

Every business has its own challenges and for my industry, I have encountered a few.

The cost of the production. On a few occasions we get questions and remarks about the “extravagant price” on some of our items and some assume that because it’s locally made then it should be very affordable – cheap. But the reality of it all is that if the quality of the fabric and the originality of the chemical isn’t good, the end result would be terrible. All our fabrics ranging from cotton down to denim are of superior quality, which is expensive to get, and that is why the dye craft and resist motif come out looking rich and vibrant while the fabric still remains in perfect condition after going through numerous dyeing processes.

The process. Due to the fact that everything regarding the making of adire is handmade, the production process might seem slow because of the different motif and resist being used.  More so, the weather climate plays a major role in our process. Excessive rainfall could hinder post production [the drying stage].

  • What problems does your company solve?

Empowerment. Youths and children, especially women need to be empowered. We give them skills that the can use to fend for themselves.

  • Do you have any regrets venturing into this line of business?

Not at all. Although I wish I knew half of what I know now. It would have probably made the journey a lot easier [laughing]. But one must go through the process.

  • What is your most popular product?

Well, many but I’d probably go with UWA (WEALTH) JOGGERS.

The UWA 2piece cropped hoodie and joggers by Netyarts
The UWA 2piece cropped hoodie and joggers by Netyarts
  • To what extent do you draw upon your Nigerian (African) heritage for your work?

Adire is a handmade and hand-dyed unique part of our heritage/ culture – Africa (Nigeria). Netyarts is a reflection of this and that is relevant.

  • What are some of your short term and long term goals, both in your business and life in general?

My short term goals is for NETYARTS be able to produce and create more intricate designs successfully for more customers. Also to collaborate with big fashion brands, celebrities and even boutiques. To be a household name in the industry.

The long term goal is to build a very large NETYARTS ADIRE EMPIRE with several branches around the world. Creating employment and simply creating.

  • In what way has being an entrepreneur affected your life?

I never liked being micro-managed. Always knew that I would be my own boss. Plus it has given me more confidence in my works. Pushed me to do and be better. I see business in a very different way now.

  • What would people be surprised to learn about you?

I wish people know I genuinely love to help with anything related to the Adire and craft artworld, by impacting my knowledge of Adire and craft to the world.

  • What profession would you be in if you weren’t in this Industry?

If not for NETYARTS ADIRE BUSINESS, I would have been a dancer 💃

  • What is success to you?

Success to me is accomplishing a certain set of goals not necessarily motivated by money. Although money is the Koko[laughs], but by creating with creativity,  passion and hard-work, also impacting my knowledge and skills in the society through Adire and art.

  • If you could give one piece of advice to anyone who wants to start their own business in your industry, what would it be?

We might lack capital and resources, but what we don’t lack is our ability to create unique designs, sketch the designs you want make, start small and never give up.

  • Who [and or what] has been your greatest source of inspiration?

Firstly God has been and will continue to be my greatest source of inspiration. My kids, friends, community.

  • If you were to do a biopic of your life, what would you name it?


Here are some of her products.

Raining flowers motif batik polo by Netyarts
Raining flowers motif batik polo by Netyarts
Figure cutting on t-shirt batik by Netyarts
Figure cutting on t-shirt batik by Netyarts
Multicolored peplum jacket on high quality fabric by Netyarts
Multicolored peplum jacket on high quality fabric by Netyarts
Vintage batik on cotton fabric by Netyarts
Vintage batik on cotton fabric by Netyarts
You can connect with NETIFAH USMAN through social media:
Instagram: @netyart
Facebook: @netyart

Meet the Founder of Handmadepreneur-(Exclusive Interview)

Meet the Founder of Handmadepreneur-(Exclusive Interview).

Adewumi-Inenemo Aminah is the CEO of Handmadepreneur. An indigene of Ikare Akoko North East Ondo state, and a graduate of industrial chemistry. A mother of 5, whose passion to creatively design handmade bags emerged after passing through pains of getting good bags of her taste for her kids and then decided to take the bull by the horn. She is a multitasking individual, always willing to improve her skills, determined to have her impact felt in her immediate environment and the world at large.

Adewumi-Inenemo Aminah is the CEO of Handmadepreneur.
I am very excited to be introducing this amazing Founder and her brand to you. Keep reading to Meet the Founder of Handmadepreneur-(Exclusive Interview)
  • Please introduce yourself and your background

I am Adewumi-Inenemo Aminah. A graduate of industrial chemistry from the great University of Benin. I hail from Ikate  Akoko North East Ondo state.


  • Tell us about your work. How did your company start?

I started Handmadepreneur in 2019 after my epistle of searching for a bag of my choice in 2018 as an expectant mum of a set of twins. Since I couldn’t get any, it occurred to me that many Nigerians face this problem of not being able to tweak their bag of choice since their quest for a durable, quality and well finished bag is top priority.


  • How did you come about the name and what does it mean?

Handmadepreneur came from the fact that I wanted the name handmade emblazoned in my products and as my name as it would also depict to people that the bags are handmade. I then added –preneur from the word entrepreneur.


  • What is your niche and how did you know it was a market to get into?

My niche are families with kids under age of 19 as I saw most mothers face the problem of getting the right bag for their toddlers, young ones in elementary or themselves, in terms of packing both their personal items and that of their children all in one piece; this is  typical to the African woman. Also I realised from my survey that most mothers wish their kids bags are like ‘this or that’ due to their own peculiarity and because they are yet to find that Nigerian bag maker who gives them their bag the way they want it, they opt for imported ones to solve one of their quest.


  • Where do you get the inspiration for your products?

I get them from narrations of pains parents discuss with finding their bags and my imagination of possibilities of what a bag could have.


  • Can you remember one of the first products you made? What makes it memorable?

Our multi-pocket diaper bag. It was sold out before I blinked my eyes. Mothers loved it for its features such as, lots of pockets, it’s ability to keep their baby’s items all in one place and organized.


  • What are some of the challenges you face in your business?

Structure! Getting the right personnel and marketing right.


  • Do you have any regrets venturing into this line of business?

None. Not even a tiny bit.


  • What is your most popular product?

School backpack and lunch bag.


  • To what extent do you draw upon your Nigerian (African) heritage for your work?

For now we are not much of African but soon we intend bringing in the African touch. Making our own arts of African heritage on our bags.


  • What are some of your short term and long term goals, both in your business and life in general?

To be a brand that would be a game changer to many women, by providing them with trainings, and an opportunity to provide employment for themselves.

To improve my business skills by taking a business management course in 2022.

Get certified internationally as a bag designer.


  • What would people be surprised to learn about you?

That I am a star chemistry teacher. 😂 I mean students loved my class and wondered why I left.


  • What profession would you be in if you weren’t in this Industry?

Teaching. I would be a teacher but then again, we are all teaching, in one form or the other.


  • If you could give one piece of advice to anyone who wants to start their own business in your industry, what would it be?

Never think small. Always aim at the best and you will see how you will work to achieve it


  • And finally, please share images of some of your work and tell us a little about each product
Rucksack by Handemadepreneur {MEET THE FOUNDER - HANDMADEPRENEUR}
Rucksack by Handemadepreneur
For adults and secondary school students. Strong, spacious and can be made to suit client specification.
Lattern Bag by Handemadepreneur
Lattern Bag by Handemadepreneur
Lattern bag. ‘Shakara bag’ as most client calls it. Unique and portable for few items only.


Ankara laptop bag by Handemadepreneur
Ankara laptop bag by Handemadepreneur
This Ankara Laptop Bag is water proof, well padded and well spacious with two way carriage. Nice and long lasting zippers. Available in 3 sizes depending on your laptop size.


Maxi lunch bag by Handemadepreneur
Maxi lunch bag by Handemadepreneur
Maxi lunch bag. Available in varying sizes keeps food hot up to 6 hours. Inner leather linen with a foreign insulator. Can be made also with Adire or Ankara



Handmadepreneur is a handmade bag shop that offers high quality branded bags which suits a wide selection of every taste suitable for various occasion. Their beautifully designed backpack, lunch bags, ladies handbags, men bags, souvenir bags, pouches  would leave you with no choice than acquiring them.


And that is it from here, for more details about the brand, check out their social media pages here:


Meet The Founder Of EONL (Exclusive Interview)


Eyiyemi-Olivia Rogbinyin, a verified member of Bellafricana, wears many hats, one of which is her passion for tailoring. She is a graduate of Architecture from the University of Jos with more than 25 years post experience in the fields of Architecture and Interior Design, Broadcasting as a Television and Radio presenter, Make-Overs and Dressmaking which she has a Passion for.

I am very excited to be introducing this amazing Founder and her brand to you. Keep reading to Meet the Founder of EONL (Exclusive Interview).

  • Please introduce yourself and your background

My name is Eyiyemi-Olivia Rogbinyin an architect, broadcaster, actor, tailor. 

  • Tell us about your work. How did your company start? 

I started tailoring professionally in the year 2000 after a short stint in broadcasting. leveraging on the gift of sewing my mum had helped hone almost 20years before. Having the idea to show off what else we could do with ankara fabrics apart from Boubous and iro and bubas

  • How did you come about the name and what does it mean? 

I started with Olivia concept (Olivia is my middle name) and registered EyiyemiOlivia Nigeria Limited in 2012 as a limited liability company.

  • What is your niche and how did you know it was a market to get into? 

Detailing, detailing, detailing. Finishing has to be one of the most underrated skills used by tailors. We say you can wear our clothes inside out. We also love to show our versatility with local fabrics.

  • Where do you get the inspiration for your products? 

Everywhere and Anywhere. Mostly though from The Holy Spirit 

  • Can you remember one of the first products you made? What makes it memorable?

We used aso oke to make a cropped top and long fitted skirt for twin sisters for a wedding. Nothing like that had been done in a long time. It literally shot us into the limelight. 

  • What are some of the challenges you face in your business? 

Maintaining clientele and being consistent with marketing. 

  • Do you have any regrets venturing into this line of business?

Not a single one.

  • What is your most popular product? 

Right now our Auta jogger pants. We’ve had a really good run with our Omorinsola jacket as well.

  • To what extent do you draw upon your Nigerian (African) heritage for your work?

That was the whole point of setting up the business and we are very passionate about using locally sourced indigenous fabrics for our garments.

  • What are some of your short term and long term goals, both in your business and life in general? 

That has changed over the years, now it is to impact those who are struggling in the industry and shorten the number of potential hot spots they will encounter. As for myself, I am working on my journey with getting to know My Father better and doing His will. 

  • What would people be surprised to learn about you? 

😂😂 I’m not sure there’s anything. I’m an open book.

  • What profession would you be in if you weren’t in this Industry? 

Already done a few. 

  • If you could give one piece of advice to anyone who wants to start their own business in your industry, what would it be? 

Understudy someone in the industry who’s willing to show you the ropes.

  • And finally, please share images of some of your work and tell us a little about each product


Auta Jogger Pants, POW Doodle t-shirt blinged or eco friendly hand painted

Auta Jogger Pants, POW Doodle tshirt blinged or eco friendly hand painted

Draping services for your photoshoots.
Don’t want the hassle of choosing fabric, designer, fittings etc. Be draped in the lushest fabrics and be guaranteed of unique styling, one you won’t find anywhere else.

Draping services for your photoshoots Draping services for your photoshoots
















Amarachi set chiffon top and micro pleated 34 length wide leg pants

Amarachi set chiffon top and micro pleated 34 length wide leg pants
Eyiyemi-Olivia Rogbinyin

And that is it from here, for more details about the brand, check out their Instagram page here: Eyiyemi Olivia Rogbinyin (@eyiyemiolivia) • Instagram photos and videos

EyiyemiOlivia Nigeria Limited

Meet The Founder Of EONL (Exclusive Interview).


Meet The Founder Of Ile Ila #Exclusive Interview

Hey there!

It’s been a minute. I just checked the date of my last published article and I myself was wowed! But hey! Let’s leave the past in the past shall we?

I was opportune to have an exclusive interview with the founder of an amazingly awesome furniture design brand called Ilé Ilà. The fist time I came across the brand was during the Bellafricana ACE Awards 2018 in Lagos, Nigeria, and I can remember just standing and staring at these sets of beautiful furniture made with Aso Oke. They were so colorful, looked very comfortable and all I could say to myself was, ”Oh wow, this is art!”

This interview gave me more insight to what this brands stands for, why they do what they do, and some of the challenges they face as a business. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did. Ladies and Gentlemen, I introduce to you, Tosin Oshinowo, Founder and Creative Director of Ile Ila.

Please introduce yourself and your background

My name is Tosin Oshinowo. I am an Architect and run a design practice in Lagos, Nigeria called cmDesign Atelier. I am also a product designer and run a lifestyle furniture line called Ile Ila.

Tell us about your work. How did Ile Ila start?

Ile Ila, is a lifestyle furniture line designed and hand-made in Lagos, Nigeria. The brand design period-conscious furniture with a contemporary African content.

How did you come about the name and what does it mean?

Ilé-Ilà, means House of Lines in Yoruba,

What is your niche and how did you know it was a market to get into?

Our business is focused on accent chairs and ottomans. we really focused on the celebration and capsulation of Culture.

Where do you get the inspiration for your products?

We get our inspiration from everything around us. In particular we have a thing for color and textures and there is so much variety with Aso Oke.

Can you remember one of the first products you made? What makes it memorable?

One of the first chairs I made is still in my home. It’s an assortment of purple and lilac Aso Oke. It is really is one of the reasons who I got into the idea of color combination.

What are some of the challenges you face in your business?

Biggest challenge has been scaling up of production due to capital costs of the carpentry machinery. Currently, production is slow due to the machinery available, if we can scale up we can reduce time and reduce production cost and pass this saving on the our customers.

Do you have any regrets venturing into this line of business?

Not at all. Because I have stayed in the realm of design and creativity both businesses feed off each other.

What is your most popular product?

It’s interesting but difficult to answer. different demographics like different things. All the chairs have done well but i can almost guess peoples preference if I know their background or gender. In terms of sales the Alaafia did exceptionally well.

Alaafia Rocker


To what extent do you draw upon your Nigerian (African) heritage for your work?

We are all products of our experiences and exposures and it is this combination that is reflected in my work.

What are some of your short term and long term goals, both in your business and life in general?

We really want to push international sales. right now it’s expensive to export and this pushes up the price. short term we want to add more furniture lines to the brand.

What would people be surprised to learn about you?

I don’t know how to tie gele….. and I hardly wear Aso Oke.

What profession would you be in if you weren’t in the Furniture Design industry?

I probably would have been a visual artist.

If you could give one piece of advice to anyone who wants to start their own business in your industry, what would it be?

Make sure you get your business properly registered and engage the services of an accountant from the start and make sure you pay your tax.

And finally, Here are some more images of pieces by Ilé-Ilà





Connect with Tosin on Instagram @ile.ila or send an email to or you can call, 08023789728.

Follow us on Instagram @bell_africana for more amazing creative indigenous brands, and to fine out more about the beauty of Africa.

Meet The Creative Director and Co-Founder Of D-Dee Bags (Exclusive Interview)

D-Dee Bags is the newest addition to the Bellafricana Verified Family, and I am very excited to be introducing this amazing brand to you. Keep reading to meet the Co-Founder and Creative Director, Denike Ogunsola, as she speaks with Beatrice Miangogo of Bellafricana.

  • Please introduce yourself and your background.

Hi, my name is Denike Ogunsola, I co-own and manage D-Dee Bags, I have a B.A in Accounting from Temple University and a Masters Degree in International Business, I worked in business consulting before joining the manufacturing business. I enjoy operations management and creating processes but running D-Dee has helped hone my creative side.

  • Tell us about your work. How did D-Dee Bags start?

D-Dee is a family owned manufacturing business, started in 2001. We run a Bag, Footwear and Accessories manufacturing facility that produces for several brands, one of which is D-Dee Bags. It was founded by my mother Ayo Damola, who is still very much involved with the business. She was a pioneer in using tote bags as souvenirs when she first started the business. Since then we have evolved into producing a wide range of products in large quantity as a B2B company, For Corporate Gifts, Souvenirs, Brand Merchandise and Private Labelling.

Love Lagos Ankara and Leather Tote Bag By D-Dee Bags

  • How did you come about the name and what does it mean?

D-Dee is a nick name that just stuck.

  • What is your niche and how did you know it was a market to get into?

Our niche is in medium to large scale production of custom designed products, there was a market for a company that could bring custom designs to life and produce in large quantity, we are able to do this because of the expertise and set up we have.

  • Where do you get the inspiration for your products?

Sometimes inspiration comes from basic everyday living, but very often one person in our team gets an idea, and then we all come together to build on it until we come up with a great product. In the end, each product we come up with must be functional using quality materials.

  • Can you remember one of the first products you made? What makes it memorable?

Since I joined the business, I would say its been products other than bags, like our Boxes, because people expect us to always make bags, there’s always a pleasant reaction when we produce other unique items.

Customized Wedding Souvenir Boxes Made In Nigeria By D-Dee Bags

  • What are some of the challenges you face in your business?

We face the same issues majority of businesses in Nigeria face; high overhead costs, staffing issues and sourcing of adequate materials.

  • Do you have any regrets venturing into this line of business?

No, even with the challenging moments. It is a very rewarding experience when you are creating something, the process from design to final product makes it worthwhile.

  • What is your most popular product?

Our Tote Bags, in various iterations are our most popular item, but fast becoming popular are other novelty items made with Adire or Ankara.

Ankara Souvenir Tote Bags By D-Dee Bags

  • To what extent do you draw upon your Nigerian (African) heritage for your work?

We try to infuse our Nigerian heritage in the materials we use, and in certain design styles.

  • What are some of your short term and long term goals, both in your business and life in general?

We have long term plans to extend our manufacturing services to other kinds of products, in addition we have two new in-house brands we are about to launch, the first one is LORE (@lore.designs)- a leather accessory line.

  • What would people be surprised to learn about you?

Because I’m naturally an introvert, most people are always surprised to see me in work mode, let’s just say I run a tight ship, lol. I prefer certain standards and can be quite determined to get it .

  • What profession would you be in if you weren’t in this Industry?

Business Management Consulting

  • If you could give one piece of advice to anyone who wants to start their own business in your industry, what would it be?

Build your business with people who have technical skills and share your vision

To find out more about D-Dee Bags, check out their listing page here. (Click Here)

Meet The Founder Of Ovelly Naturals – Exclusive Interview

In this exclusive interview, I had the privilege to learn about the brain behind Ovelly Naturals, and how she started an amazing natural skin care brand here in Nigeria, that  caters for the African Skin and protects it from dangerous chemicals. Olubukola birthed her business while on a quest for safe and non-toxic skin care products.

Continue reading

The Bellafricana Verified Tribe – Gbemmy Johnson

Hi there amazing reader! I know it has been a loooong time since we talked about the fabulous members of the Bellafricana verified family, so I decided to bring you some amazing insight on the delectable Gbemmy Johnson of Oeclat today.

Gbemmy Johnson is the brain behind O&#39Eclat Designs – a dynamic brand creating beautiful and affordable handcrafted totes, clutches, purses, wallets etc.

Oeclat is influenced by African rich culture and colours, hence the use of rich African prints, leather and plethora of other materials with a contemporary edge. Each piece represents a perfect individuality and style with key attention to details. With inspiration drawn from everywhere, every piece is a unique, classic design made for fashion lovers of all ages.

Gbemmy Johnson is making moves everyday and with each opportunity, to fulfil her vision of becoming a unique fashion and home accessories brand by providing accessories which value longevity and individuality over the disposable. Her mission is to make clients stylish with beautifully created artistic and tasteful adornments that exude an elegant edge. Creating affordable and quality handcrafted leather handbags and accessories brand inspired by the rich and beautiful African culture and tradition. Made for the modern woman who does it all without compromise.

Oeclat, birthed in 2010, is pronounced O-ey-klah and is a derivative of the designer’s name Oluwagbemisola and a French derivative English word Eclat which means distinction. Oeclat was born out of passion and an ongoing love affair with African rich prints and leather – its smell, malleability, durability, color and texture.

Gbemmy Johnson studied Biological Sciences (Microbiology) at the University of Ilorin and also has a diploma in Fashion Merchandising & Design from the Stratford Career Institute. She has also participated in various online and hands-on seminars and workshops on designing, and leather repair and restoration.

Focusing on perfecting her product and the attendant slow-burn success, the talented Gbemmy is building a brand, and importantly – a business that is here to stay. With an unrelenting mindset, despite formidable infrastructural issues plaguing the fashion industry, she soldiers on – producing an extremely well-made leather line and best selling purses season after season.

With this stable foundation, O’Eclat is poised for more ground-breaking success – she boasts more than a few fashion insiders as her brand loyalists, and word of mouth is her best press. Plus she is Bellafricana Verified.

The label’s core collection, with signatures including the Michelle Midi and Michelle Maxi handbag, her bestselling pieces are available for sale in nationwide through her online store and partner stockists.

Today, I’m throwing it all the way back to 2017, when Gbemmy Johnson was interviewed by Isoken Ogiemwonyi on Bellanaija Style. I enjoyed reading this interview a lot, and I thought to share with you. Keep reading to find our more.

NB: This interview was culled from

On choosing the brand name O’Eclat & its meaning:

O’Eclat Designs (pronounced O-eyklah) is a derivative of my name Oluwagbemisola and Eclat which means Style, confidence, distinction etc.  I wanted a name that is not entirely eponymous and would not be too much hassle to register as a business name.

O’Eclat Designs is a Nigerian ethical leather handbag and accessories design label, birthed in 2010 by Gbemi Johnson.

We produce quality and affordable handbags using premium leather and indigenous fabric handbags and accessories locally from our workshop in Lagos, Nigeria. Our range of handbags will take every modern woman from dawn to dusk, appropriate for a business meeting as they are for brunch or happy hour, giving you the freedom to go about your day with ease, empowered to better live your busy, modern lifestyles whilst also preserving the traditional techniques used in the production of our handbags, providing jobs for the skilled artisans and supporting indigenous businesses.

How did you start the brand ?

O’Eclat Designs was born out of a need to find the beautiful, perfect sized and affordable handbag and clutch that fits all our essentials and allow us keep up with our everyday lives. The need encouraged us to find skilled local artisans who are [into] handbag making within the country.

On the design process

‘A lot of thoughtfulness goes into the production of each and every O’Eclat piece. The design aesthetic[s], the quality of material used and the attention to detail. After coming up with a new design or product we normally would start to see what the pattern and the form, which is the size and the silhouette, the function, which includes the purpose and ideal use and then the materials, which includes the fabric, leather, lining and the hardware that will work perfect with your designs.’

On launching a brand in the Nigerian fashion industry:

‘It takes a lot of effort and determination. You have to do a lot of research about the industry, be persistent as the competition is a lot and you can easily loose track if you’re not committed to your journey’

What was your greatest challenge? And how did you overcome it.

My biggest challenge till date will be finding the right team who shares and understands my vision for the brand.

I was very determined and I knew giving up on my business will never happen, getting my desired business goal might be slow but I knew I’m closer to it each time I put in an effort and try again.

What do you think makes O’Eclat different from other brands?

The affordability and quality of materials used.

We also offer a 12 month warranty on all of our bags. If you are experiencing unforeseen quality issues, we offer free and easy repair options within the warranty period and charge a small fee when warranty period expires.

What’s your favourite product/design and why?

As the designer, it’s hard choosing a favourite as each and every product has a story and the purpose it serves. I love my Michelle Midi handbag as my everyday workbag due to its size and functionality; I switch to my Michelle Maxi  handbag due to its size, for days I want to go in between business meetings. Weekends and Travels are for my Michelle Mini handbag and Mila Clutch.

On a day in her life:

I start my business day with my emails, which most times determine how my day will go if I have not had anything pre-planned before,

I get to spend most of my day at the studio to supervise what we have going on, visit some of our retailers and attend to business appointments offline and online.

What have been your best sellers so far?

Michelle Midi and Mila Clutch

What advice would you give to someone who wants to start his or her own business?

Stay true to yourself and be committed to your journey. It’s not going to be an easy ride, prepare your mind to failure, pick yourself up when you do and start all over again. It’s all part of the process.

What’s next for O’Eclat?

We are working on introducing a range of small leather goods while continuing to improve on our production quality and expanding our sales channel[s].

What has given you your biggest boost as a business (fashion show, tradeshow, publication etc)

We are yet to showcase our handbags at a fashion show, so it has to be Publication and Tradeshows in that sequence. Publications have given us a lot of media awareness and exposure while tradeshows allow our customers and first time buyers experience our products first hand, they get to see, touch and feel what they are paying for.

What’s the most important lesson you’ve learnt on your journey so far?

Staying true to myself and being persistent.

In three words O’Eclat is: 

Stylish, Affordable, Quality

You can purchase O’Eclat online at and at her stockists listed below.

Grey Velvet Stores (Lagos and Abuja)

Ikeja City Mall, Ikeja

Circle Mall, Jakande Lekki

Centro Lekki Mall, Lekki

Jabi Lake Mall, Abuja

Glam’d Africa Abuja

40, Durban Street, Wuse II


For more information, contact:
TWITTER: @oeclat

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