Handmade bags are great accessories I have always loved to have around me. I must say, the importance of handbags can never be overemphasized. No amount of handbags is too much to own as there are handbags for every occasion, seasons, and outfit. But having to choose from your myriad of bag collections can be very tedious atimes.
Choosing handbags to fit your style could be a whole lot of work, more reasons why I came up with ten(10) elegant handmade bags that are proudly made in Nigeria. These handmade bags are flexible to use as they fit any occasion. these handbags are well patterned with perfectly designed colors to make them a must-have for every lady.
In no particular order, here is my list, and feel free to order using the link on their bio.
This black leather batik Mila handbag made by O’Eclat designs, is nothing below standard, with its good sequence pattern in hues of burnt orange and bright yellow colors with a slim purple color running through it, is a one of a kind style. This nicely embellished purse will go with any type of dress and are perfect for any occasion, whether it is used casually or for official purposes.

These tote bags are perfect for casual outings. The reason why this is a great piece of item is because it’s large enough and can contain lot of bulky items all at once. This bag looks smallish but in a real sense can fit in so many items. Pillowtalks, the tote bag maker, beautifully and neatly mend tote bags to serve significant purposes. This bag idea draws attention with its colours, designs, faces, and characters as its also conveys one’s personality.

Also read: 10 Craft Ideas With African Fabrics
This beautiful handmade bag is a great piece of item your wardrobe certainly needs. In this clime and time where a little piece of item brings out the statement in your dressing, this bag made from yarns and fibres is a great choice for you. The amazing design fits any color or style of dressing. Depending on how it’s combined, it can go perfectly for an official gathering. Nonetheless, this allows you to effortlessly stand out because of its uniqueness, attractiveness, and elegance. Yasmin crafts never fails in its assignment of crafting and designing woven fashion items.

When it comes to designing handmade leather bags, O’Eclat always understands the assignment. Do you want poise, class, elegance, standard, luxury? then get styled with O’Eclat Bailey’s classic bag. If you love to get attention and praises for your fashion style then, this made in Nigeria Bag designer got you covered. Try this brand and thank me later.

We don’t go out of style and designs here with Morin O bags, please pardon my hype, like the saying, “when you are good, you are good”. Morin O designer brings the likes of Fendi and Versace vibes from the stables of Nigeria. Moreover, from the reviews gotten online about the brand, these bags are durable, high quality, and never goes out of fashion.

In summary, Bags are to dressing, as to what bread is to butter. This implies that bags essentially compliments one’s dressing and it’s a great piece every lady must own. Apart from serving as a safe keep for all valuables, it also helps to accentuate our dressing. That’s why its needs to be carefully combined to suit our sense of style. For more options on elegant handmade bags in Nigeria, click here to order.