6 Natural Skincare Products for different skin types

Matolo face wash on bellafricana marketplace

Just as our fingerprints differ, our skin types differ too with the type of natural skincare products used. What might be most suitable for one person can be harming for another. I use a skin body butter but on the other hand same cream tends to be more oily for another person who uses it.

It is very important to understand your skin and know which natural skincare products in Nigeria will be most suitable for your skin type.

These are 6 Skincare Products for different skin types I will highly recommend:

Asakwe soap is an indigenous African product made with the finest ingredient locally sourced from in Nigeria. It initially means โ€˜batheโ€™ among the local tribe of the Igbos. This skin care product has been tested and trusted, if you so desire a glow and rejuvenation of your skin, then this is perfect for you. It is infused with Tumeric and its perfect for light skinned people. it also contains essential oils that helps to tone and brighten the skin. its most suitable for dry skin. This is a product of Modara naturals.



This is a product of organic life plus, one special attraction to this brand is how will it helps in restoring and rejuvenating dry skin. Baobab seed most times are edible and it is also used in beauty products. It also can be used to boost hair growth. This particular ingredient does wonders in several aspect, it contains antioxidants and Vitamin E and it is a great anti dote to dry and cracky skin types.


I was a chronic attacker of acne, it got me really depressed until I found this life saver, Anti pimples cream by Janeli Global. This product works super for all skin types. Apart from taking care of your acne issues, it also helps your skin look flawless and less oily. its very much recommend for people wilt oily skin. Janeli global helped me restore my confidence back with this anti pimple and anti ageing cream.

Janeli Global skincare products

Also read: 5 Popular Black-Owned Skincare Brands In 2022

Body glow is another wonderful product I would recommend because even though I havenโ€™t used this, but from reveiws I have heard so far, this product does magic to the skin. If you wanna drip in finness and you want your sin to be silk as milk, then try using this wonderful product from Treda organics.

Treda Organics Glow Oil on bellafricana marketplaceTreda Organics Glow Oil on bellafricana marketplace, natural skincare products


Brilho oil which was coined from the Angola Portuguese native, means โ€œto glowโ€.  This too is specially made by Modara naturals, I specifically recommend this product because it is made from the finest and most nourishing products. it also contains moisturizing and regenerating ingredients such as Avocado oil, grape seed oil, sweet almond oil and carrot oil. All these essential natural ingredients help to awaken and smoothen the skin. It works well on dry skin as it helps to keep it bright and shiny.

Brilho oil by Modara naturals on bellafricana marketplace, natural skincare products



This is essentially for the face. it is infused with good and natural ingredients that will live the face radiant and smooth. I once visited a dermatologist who once advised that body treatment should not be used as facial treatment. I found that interesting too because lot of people I have met will complain how a product is good for their body but not good for their faces, that is why Matolo Botanicals has made this special blend to work well with the face.

Matolo Botanicals facewash on bellafricana marketplace


These are my top 6 Natural Skincare Products for different skin types that I will most likely recommend. Though there are still other products that does great to the skin too. Click here to check other amazing products that will work well for your skin.


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