6 Effective Natural Remedies For Acne

Oriki face oil by Oriki on bellafricana marketplace

There are a lot of speculation as to what really causes acne and can often be daunting to find effective natural remedies for acne. While some will argue that the food we consume has a lot to do with facial breakouts, others are of the opinion that bad hygiene has its role to play, and also it could be genetically transferred or environment too matters.

All these speculations seems true and can be argued. I used to have terrible acne and I remember being told that was my season for it. Until I got myself good home remedies and skincare products to ultimately set me free.

For people suffering from these, here are 6 effective natural remedies for acne problems that was my last resort solution:


Hydrating face cream is one of such solution to acne problems. as dry skin more often than not tend to cause acne problems. The skin contains lots of hair follicles from which hair grows. Acne is the result of these becoming blocked. Tiny glands near the surface of the skin produce sebum, an oil that prevents the skin from drying out. They can produce too much sebum, which blocks the hair follicle. Other debris, such as dead skin, also builds up. With the Treda organic hydrating face cream, this gives the face the right amount of moisture that it deserves, thereby keeping the face smooth and silky.

Face care kit by treda organics on bellafricana marketplace


This is a special anti-acne treatment, This is a product of janeli global and this is also very effective for the total eradication of pimples spot on the face. What prompted me to purchase this products was how well my friend hyped it.As small as it may look, it does big magic to the face. If truly you are tired of acne, then rush and get this janeli global anti pimples cream.

Acne cream by janeli global on bellafricana marketplace

      3. FACE OIL

Back then I use to avoid face oil, as I thought it was the reason why I had severe breakout. Until I bumped into this matolo face oil. This was wonders, it worked like magic. This face oil is a combination of apple extracts and rosewater with its antioxidant richness, then that was my final bye bye to acne problems. My face stopped wrinkling, it was greazy and super glowy. I would forever remain grateful to this matolo face oil product. Yea!

My Matolo face-oil Effective Natural Remedies For Acne on bellafricana, sold on bellafricana marketplace

Also read: Natural beauty brands in Nigeria


Apart from using good creams on the surface of the face, what we also need to pay attention to is what we wash our face with. Some people spend more money on getting good face creams only to allow bad facial wash spoil the work. Matolo skincare product is one I would always vouch for, No matter the skin issues, This brand will help restore your beauty, confidence and smiles back. Trust me, Acne can cause depression atimes.

Matolo Botanicals facewash on bellafricana marketplace

       5. FACE WASH

Three years ago I was a top fan of Oriki face oil product, from moisturizers, body oil, body wash etc, I used them a lot. Those were my best products to use. This oil free Acne wash will perform the exact same thing I use to experience when I use this brand. I will always recommend this brand because of the high value I have received by using it.

Oriki face oil by Oriki on bellafricana marketplace


The use of sunscreen helps slow down the development of wrinkled, premature-aging skin. It helps to prevent facial brown/dark spots and skin discolorations. This l’avyanna face sunscreen is super effective.

FAcial sunscreen bty lavyanna on bellafricana marketplace


These products were carefully selected from my personal experience with them and also from lot of reviews and recommendation received on each brand. If you also want cream that will help your skin look bright and ageless, click on this link to order for more.

6 Natural Skincare Products for different skin types

Matolo face wash on bellafricana marketplace

Just as our fingerprints differ, our skin types differ too with the type of natural skincare products used. What might be most suitable for one person can be harming for another. I use a skin body butter but on the other hand same cream tends to be more oily for another person who uses it.

It is very important to understand your skin and know which natural skincare products in Nigeria will be most suitable for your skin type.

These are 6 Skincare Products for different skin types I will highly recommend:

Asakwe soap is an indigenous African product made with the finest ingredient locally sourced from in Nigeria. It initially means ‘bathe’ among the local tribe of the Igbos. This skin care product has been tested and trusted, if you so desire a glow and rejuvenation of your skin, then this is perfect for you. It is infused with Tumeric and its perfect for light skinned people. it also contains essential oils that helps to tone and brighten the skin. its most suitable for dry skin. This is a product of Modara naturals.



This is a product of organic life plus, one special attraction to this brand is how will it helps in restoring and rejuvenating dry skin. Baobab seed most times are edible and it is also used in beauty products. It also can be used to boost hair growth. This particular ingredient does wonders in several aspect, it contains antioxidants and Vitamin E and it is a great anti dote to dry and cracky skin types.


I was a chronic attacker of acne, it got me really depressed until I found this life saver, Anti pimples cream by Janeli Global. This product works super for all skin types. Apart from taking care of your acne issues, it also helps your skin look flawless and less oily. its very much recommend for people wilt oily skin. Janeli global helped me restore my confidence back with this anti pimple and anti ageing cream.

Janeli Global skincare products

Also read: 5 Popular Black-Owned Skincare Brands In 2022

Body glow is another wonderful product I would recommend because even though I haven’t used this, but from reveiws I have heard so far, this product does magic to the skin. If you wanna drip in finness and you want your sin to be silk as milk, then try using this wonderful product from Treda organics.

Treda Organics Glow Oil on bellafricana marketplaceTreda Organics Glow Oil on bellafricana marketplace, natural skincare products


Brilho oil which was coined from the Angola Portuguese native, means “to glow”.  This too is specially made by Modara naturals, I specifically recommend this product because it is made from the finest and most nourishing products. it also contains moisturizing and regenerating ingredients such as Avocado oil, grape seed oil, sweet almond oil and carrot oil. All these essential natural ingredients help to awaken and smoothen the skin. It works well on dry skin as it helps to keep it bright and shiny.

Brilho oil by Modara naturals on bellafricana marketplace, natural skincare products



This is essentially for the face. it is infused with good and natural ingredients that will live the face radiant and smooth. I once visited a dermatologist who once advised that body treatment should not be used as facial treatment. I found that interesting too because lot of people I have met will complain how a product is good for their body but not good for their faces, that is why Matolo Botanicals has made this special blend to work well with the face.

Matolo Botanicals facewash on bellafricana marketplace


These are my top 6 Natural Skincare Products for different skin types that I will most likely recommend. Though there are still other products that does great to the skin too. Click here to check other amazing products that will work well for your skin.


5 Suitable Hair Care Products In 2022

Treda Hair Care set

Looking for suitable hair care products? Brands like Modara naturals, Sahara sunrise, Treda organics, Wura secrets, Organic life plus, Amal Botanicals specialize in oils, butters, shampoos, and conditioners that will enhance hair growth. After thorough research, I have been able to come out with good brands that have a commendable effect on hair growth.

When shopping for your next package of hair products, you should be paying attention to the ingredient list. There should be natural ingredients in your natural hair products. Products that contain naturally hydrating ingredients like coconut and shea butters are often your hair friend. You want to stay away from products with alcohol in them or sulfates that may dry your hair out.

Another tip for choosing hair care products is to know your hair’s quality and texture. Do you have highly porous hair? Does your hair eat moisture? Is your hair heat damaged, therefore in need of more protein than oils? What nutrients does your hair need to maximize its current health? All of these things should be considered, when spending your coin on your kinks. Luckily, we’ve tried and tested quite a few hair products over our time.

Here are 5 Hair Care products for healthy hair growth:

 1. Treda Organics Hair kits

Treda organics has lot of products ranging from skincare to hair kits. This cosmetic brand has developed itself strong enough to cater for different skin types and they have made room for hair products as well.  With its rich blend of ingredients such as avocado, honey, and other natural African resources that will enhance hair growth.

Treda organics hair kits on bellafricana marketplace
Treda organics hair kits on bellafricana marketplace
  2. Sahara Sunrise

If you are sporting dreads or you have a lot of build-up in your hair that you need to get rid of, then by all means reach for this Black Soap Shampoo for that undeniable deep clean. If you are dealing with hair loss, you need some luster in your hair or you want to deal with dandruff and also soothe your scalp, then by all means reach for our Fenugreek Shampoo Bar. This special blend of shampoo contains African sourced natural resources. That most definitely suits all hair types and fit for any season. Find Sahara sunrise on I nstagram @saharasunrisenaturals and get more hair kits that will take care of all hair issues.

shampoo by sahara sunrise on bellafricana marketplace
shampoo by sahara sunrise on bellafricana marketplace
3. Wuras Secrets

This package of hair product by wuras secrets contains; Hair Growth Oil, Shampoo, Conditioner and Moisturiser. This bundle will condition, cleanse moisturize, repair and grow your hair. It will also grow out bald spots, sparse edges, slow to grow hair while stopping/preventing breakage, excessive shedding, dry hair, thinning, etc. If you are struggling with loss of hair especially if your front hair, the this is a go for. follow this brand @wurasecrethair on instagram. They have lot of hair products to choose from.

wura secrets hair kits on bellafricana mmarketplace
wura secrets hair kits on bellafricana mmarketplace

Also read: 5 Popular Black-Owned Skincare Brands In 2022

 4. Amal Botanicals

Our babies are not left behind, while hunting for hair products for yourself, do remember your kids hair deserves to pampered as well. Amal botanical hair care is scalp friendly, nice scented and produces just the amount of foam for children. From reviews of this product, I would highly recommend this product for any parent who want their kids hair to remain soft, shinny and well textured.

Kids hair kit by Amal botanicals on bellafricana marketplace, hair care products
Kids hair kit by Amal botanicals on bellafricana marketplace


5. Organic Life Plus

Organic Life hair products is 100% vegan. It Contains a pH balanced formulations made with vegan, plant based ingredients. Amazing for length retention, reducing breakage, softening the hair, retaining hair moisture and improving hair structure This brand produces cosmetics with health in mind, just as their skin care product and it avoids anything that can cause allergies in people with sensitive skin.  Also, this brand carters for both relaxed and natural hair.

Hair kits bundle by Organic Life Plus on Bellafricanan Marketplace hair care products
Hair kits bundle by Organic Life Plus on Bellafricana Marketplace

Your hair is your crown, it demands care, attention and love. Just as we take care of our skin,  our hair needs same energy. If you are struggling to get the right product for your hair type, try these product and to shop for more affordable hair kits and cosmestic visit bellafricanashop.com or @Bell_africana/@bellafricana marketplace on instagram.




5 Popular Black-Owned Skincare Brands In 2022

Skincare products on bellafricana marketplace

Black-owned Skincare Brands have done so much in the beauty industry within and in the diaspora. To support the businesses run by us and for us, who are working tirelessly to emphasize, enrich, and showcase everything that is delightfully Black and beautiful, we must continue to work towards diversity and inclusivity throughout the beauty industry. Paying close attention to your skin is as important as studying and knowing the best skincare brand to go for.

Here are 5 popular black-owned Skincare Brands in 2022:

 1. Modara naturals

Modara naturals is a Nigerian-owned skincare brand. it deals with premium plant-based natural skin care products that nourishes the skin with product straight from mother nature. One most incredible thing about African manufacturers of skincare products is how tactical and meticulous they infuse the rich blend of African natural ingredients. This African beauty brand is inspired by the love for the African race and heritage. No wonder its branding style is African-themed and targeted toward treating skin issues relatable to Africans and also foreigners.  Modara naturals have tons of products such as Asakwa African Black soap, Modara Haske, Modara pholiso, Laushi, and a lot more. Certainly, this rich combination and formula are suitable for every skin type.

Modara beauty products
Skincare by Modara Naturals on Bellafricana Marketplace
2. Organic life plus

You will be committing a crime under the skincare laws, if you haven’t allowed your skin to be pampered by this refreshing and replenishing beauty brand. Organic life is also a Nigerian-owned brand, Esione Asakome is the founder of this enriching skincare brand. This brand is most suitable for any skin type and most essential perfect for any season. Moringa oil containing Vitamins A, E, C, Phenols, and omega fatty acids, is a great therapy against dryness or dry skin. Its products such as glow oil, baobab oil, plush hydrating moisturizer, etc, also contains antibacterial and anti-microbial properties so that not only does it gives you radiating and glowing skin, it’s good riddance to bacterial and infections. However, it is dermatologically tested.

beauty products by organic life plus on bellafricana marketplace
Beauty products by organic life plus on Bellafricana Marketplace
 3. Amal Botanical

This brand no doubt was conceived in love and care. As its major concern is on the needs of children. Amal Botanicals is an African-inspired children’s care brand that focuses on giving children healthy-looking, gentle and enriched skin. We all know that motherhood can be very tasking. One major concern for parents is the skin needs of their kids. Our kids are exposed to things in the environment that could damage their skin. Children’s skin are more prone to moisture loss and tends to dry out more quickly. I always recommend Amal botanicals beauty products to mothers who want their children’s skin moisturized, fuss-free, luminous, and bacterial-free. This brand also has a ton of children’s skincare as well as hair products.

Children's beauty product by Amal botanical on Bellafricanan Marketplace
Children’s beauty product by Amal botanical on Bellafricana Marketplace
     Also read: 8 Best Natural And Organic Skincare Products
4. Janeli Global

The keyword for this brand is “non-toxic”. Janeli Global Skincare is a Nigerian-grown brand that intentionally and proportionally uses the right set of only natural based ingredients to avoid skin blemishes, irritation, aging, and other skin-related issues. Just the right amount as recommended can give you that clump-free, Oxidant rich and firm skin. its also best for repairing and replenishing worn-out skin. Do you have very sensitive skin and you need that product that will be mild and gentle on you. Then Janeli Global Skincare should be your one-stop-shop.


Janeli Global skincare products on bellafricana Marketplace
Janeli Global Skincare Products on Bellafricana marketplace
5. Treda Organics

Treda organics is a natural skincare brand, Made in Nigeria to promote black Melanin skin tones. This popular Black-owned Skincare brand has done so much justice to the black race. Treda organics helps us appreciate our skin color and tone but helps you get that confident, blossom and bright texture skin surface. Sit well perfectly and courageously in your skin by getting your Treda Organics beauty product.

Treda Organics skin care on bellafricana Marketplace
Treda Organics Skincare On Bellafricana Marketplace

Long before ”Melanin Popping” became a standard. The only skincare brands truly appreciated were white-centric brands, Black women were the only ones who paid attention to the needs of our African community. They were the only ones who taught us how to embrace our skin colors.  Click here to order for your illuminating, soothing and ever youthful skincare products.



5 Effective Skincare Routines For Overnight Beauty

Treda Organics Glow Oil on bellafricana marketplace

Having glowing and shiny skin entails a lot. An effective skincare routine helps necessitate overnight beauty. One needs a very meticulous process to be able to achieve that attention-getting skin.

Stop feeling insecure and uncomfortable in that skin. Here is a list of 8 effective skincare routines that will bring your long-anticipated beauty and glow.


Whether or not you wear makeup, cleaning your face at the end of each day is critical for maintaining a clear complexion. Cleansing twice a day doubles as a gentle exfoliation, removing the top layer of dead skin cells. Dirt, grime, sweat, and excess oil are also removed.

It’s also important that after cleaning the face, it leaves your face dry and wrinkled, that’s why you will need the hydrating cream. Treda Organic’s hydrating cream contains relaxing ingredients that help smoothen, rejuvenate, and calms the skin, and more importantly, make it even more adaptable to your lifestyle (especially if you spend a bit of time under the sun or you are open to harsh weather conditions).

Treda Organics Hydrating Face Cream


Okay, toners aren’t strictly required for skincare, but toners can make such a difference in how your skin looks and feels after cleansing that you should probably want to try them. Body toners help to refresh and brighten the skin. It is an ancient West African soap recipe, tested and trusted to treat many skin conditions and give an even-toned glowing skin.

This blend is handmade with love, infused with Turmeric, and made by an excellent skincare brand, Modara naturals, is an age-old Asian ingredient, known to brighten and above all, give an even skin tone. It contains relaxing essential oils and helps in clearing breakouts on the face and body. Applying about two pumps on your sponge or hands daily as an effective skincare routine will give you the perfect skin tone and Asakwa Tumeric black soap is quite foamy and makes bathing a lot more fun.

ASAKWA AFRICAN BLACK SOAP, Body toner,for effective skincare routine with tumeric by modara naturals on bellafricana marketplace


ALSO READ: 8 Best Natural And Organic Skincare Products


Glow oil is one skincare solution that should own. No matter the skin type, texture, color, this essential cosmetic helps illuminate your skin and gives you shine all day.  Nevertheless, some glow oils are usually adulterated, Treda organics glow oil has a moisturizing blend is made up of carefully selected nutrient-rich oils. Daily use will not only keep your skin soft and moisturized; it will also give you a natural glow all day long.

Treda Organics Glow Oil on bellafricana marketplace


Face/body moisturizers are next, which keep your skin soft and hydrated while also helping to improve its barrier. If your skin is oily or acne-prone, use a lighter moisturizer during the day, such as a lotion or gel that absorbs fast and doesn’t pill beneath makeup. If your skin is dry, consider a cream or a heavier product. Dermatologists prescribe moisturizers for all skin types all year since hydration is essential for keeping skin looking young and healthy. “Look for compounds like ceramides or hyaluronic acid, which are the building blocks of skin moisture retention,” says the expert.

Rosehip oil for effective skincare routine by organic life plus on bellafricana marketplace

Rosehip oil is High in Vitamin A known as trans-retinoic acid which helps prevent premature aging. It’s a product of Organic life plus, this product helps prevents and treat acne, and fades acne scars, wrinkles, and fine lines. It protects the skin from sun damage and is useful in the treatment of eczema and other skin infection. Moreover, rosehip oil can also be used to effect hair growth as well.


Janeli Skincare scrub has over time been able to stand out from the crowd, but why do you need a skin scrub? First, it helps in natural skin lightening and it’s perfect for fighting acne. it’s a preventive measure for body hair growth, and reduces scars, stretch marks, and cellulite appearance. Janeli body scrub has a perfect combination of coconut, avocado, and sunflower-seed oils to soothe hormonal skin to eradicate the accumulation of dead skin cells that will result in excess oil or acne especially if you have oily skin.

Tumeric Scrub bu Janeli Global sold on bellafricana marketplace
Body Scrub

Similarly, Another excellent body scrub is the Laushi Coffee Scrub, formulated with the right blend of natural ingredients. Laushi is an invigorating scrub that effortlessly sloughs off dead skin. It also reduces scars and the appearance of cellulite, thereby stimulating blood flow and awakening your senses. This product will certainly leave your skin smooth, supple, and with an undeniable glow. Additionally, Laushi scrub is made of raw coffee beans from the Mambilla plateau, and the Himalayan mountains. This scrub will tighten, soften and brighten your skin, increasing cell turnover and giving you younger-looking skin.

Use this amazing scrub to – Slough off dead skin and real new skin beneath . This effective skincare routine helps achieve firmer younger skin. Made by Modara naturals.

Laushi body scrub by Modara Naturals on bellafricana marketplace


Just as the saying “practice makes perfect”. it therefore means, to achieve that bright, glamorous and breath taking shiny skin, one has to have a special routine of skincare product to help nourish the skin with just the right nutrients and ingredients.

This daily or weekly routine will enhance your skin beauty and live your skin flawless. If you need more options of skincare items to work with click here, to select from tons of products on this marketplace.


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