3 Lessons To Learn From The EFCC Social Media Handler

[dropcap custom_class=”normal”] The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) was set up by the Nigerian government to fight corruption and has a high level of support from the presidency, so imagine our surprise when sometime in 2016, the commissions twitter account “came alive” and constantly encompassed it’s followers with a healthy dose of laughs and thought provoking tweets daily [/dropcap]Continue reading

SME Africa

[dropcap custom_class=”normal”] Joyce Onyemuwa a radio presenter and the host of the radio show SME Africa invites you to an entrepreneurial show. This event highlights the challenges and successes of young entrepreneurs. It’s been airing on Cool Fm for about a year now, began broadcast in 2016 and have interviewed some of the brightest minds and daring individuals who have ventured into entrepreneurship within the last 5years. These entrepreneurs have ventured into different sectors and though challenges present themselves, these individuals have shown great resilience and continued perseverance to succeed. [/dropcap]
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Join over hundred Exhibitors at The MIN Conference and Exhibition 2016.

[dropcap custom_class=”normal”] The Made in Nigeria Conference & Exhibition is set to host Nigeria’s biggest exposition for SMEs, start-ups, home grown businesses, Entrepreneurs and Corporate Nigeria.
The Made in Nigeria Project, organisers of the Conference & Exhibition in a statement said; “The Made in Nigeria Conference & Exhibition will pragmatically address Government’s role in the development and support of Entrepreneurs, access to finance, taxation, ease of doing business, and human capital development for small and medium scale enterprises… [/dropcap]
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Highlights From The SME Non-Oil Export Workshop by ASSETS & African Hub

[dropcap custom_class=”normal”] A while ago we shared with you the details about an upcoming SME Non-Oil Export Workshop, Themed Dollars and Sense. Dollars and Sense! Repositioning Nigerian SMEs As Catalysts to Achieve Rapid, Sustainable Growth in the Non-oil Export Sector.
The workshop was organised by African Sustainable SME Export Trade Solutions (ASSETS) in partnership with African Hub International. This event was coordinated by Ms Shade Bembatoum-Young, the CEO of African Sustainable SME Export Trade Solutions (ASSETS).
If you missed the opportunity to participate in this enlightening workshop, you can read the highlights as written by Siaka Momoh on Real Sector Now, below… [/dropcap]
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Dollars and Sense: Nigerian SMEs in Non-Oil Export Sector

[dropcap custom_class=”normal”] African Sustainable SME Export Trade Solutions (ASSETS) is partnering with African Hub International to bring to all SMEs a constructive workshop themed Dollars & Sense! Repositioning Nigerian SMEs As Catalysts to Achieve Rapid, Sustainable Growth in the Non-oil Export Sector.
The workshop coordinator, Ms Shade Bembatoum-Young, is the CEO of African Sustainable SME Export Trade Solutions (ASSETS). She will be sharing amply from her vast knowledge on non-oil export with attendees… [/dropcap]
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Lagos Yard Sale Independence Day Exhibition

[dropcap custom_class=”normal”] Hello beautiful people, Lagos Yard Sale Independence Day Exhibition is here! This is an amazing weekend event for you and your loved ones. It will be holding on Saturday, 1st of October 2016 and there are 5 exciting reasons you should participate… [/dropcap]
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Brand2Wealth Seminar for SMEs 2016 Edition

[dropcap custom_class=”normal”] SMEs (Small and Medium Scale Enterprises) in Nigeria have still not gotten as strong as it can. The USP brand management initiative has designed a seminar channeled towards educating SMEs on how to grow.
Brand2Wealth Seminar for SMEs is USP’s corporate social investment initiative, aimed at assisting SMEs in business development through branding techniques. It consists of seminars held in conjunction with banks and other Institutions where participants are taken through the fundamentals of branding…. [/dropcap]
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