Craftsmanship has so many different definitions and many people give their own personal meaning to it too.
Although following standard definitions, we see that the Macmillan Dictionary defines craftsmanship as the beautiful or impressive quality of something that has been made using a lot of skill. Also, Oxford Dictionary says craftsmanship is the quality of design and work shown in something made by hand; artistry.

You see, even the dictionaries are rooting for quality in craftsmanship.
Generally any product of low quality is as good as being a scam. It wets the appetite of the buyer and then disappoints them almost immediately.
When your work is of good quality, it speaks well for you and your business. The age old word of mouth referral comes to play too.
Now dear Bellas, like most of you already know, we at Bellafricana have always been about quality. Too much emphasis cannot be placed on how important it is for products to be of high quality. Listed below are some more benefits of having good quality craftsmanship.
Benefits of Good Quality in Craftsmanship
- Trustworthiness: If your craft displays good quality. Your buyers will trust every type of product coming from your brand. Your brand will be respected wherever it is seen.
- Increased Sales: More and more people will want to use what you make. Before you know it, you will become a household name.
- Lower Refund Rate: You will record lower rate of refunds if your product is of high quality. There will be lesser occasions of customers returning their purchases due to defects or whatnot. This in addition to increased sales will bring you more profit at the end of the day.
- Growth: With more sales you can begin to venture into expansion. Once you’re able to satisfy your immediate customers, your products can start making its way into the international markets. Plus to successfully make it into these international markets, you need to pass certain quality controls and checks and be verified to be fit for international trade.
- Referral: When you’ve done your part in ensuring the quality of your craft and also have good customer service, your product becomes more marketable. Also, your customers will market for you.
What Can Be Done To Ensure Quality in My Craftsmanship?
Here are a few tips;
- Be Thorough: Having a highly respected brand doesn’t come by snapping your fingers. You have to be ready to put in good work. Select good materials for your work, use the right tools. Make sure everything goes where it’s supposed to, when it should. Make sure you have neat finishing also and then check it all again to be sure it is up to standard.
- Consider Setting Up Quality Assurance Process: Quality assurance to me is just like when you proofread your write-ups to be sure there are no errors. It’s a follow up to being thorough, when you imbibe the same technique into your craft, there will be attention to details.
- Be Passionate: When your love for your work exceeds the thought of the stress going into it, you’re halfway to producing quality crafts.
- Get Verified: Many times we don’t notice our flaws or the flaws in our work until they are pointed out to us. At Bellafricana, we help our clients see the flaws that they’ve probably missed. Getting verified helps guaranty the quality of your craftsmanship and more buyers are assured they are buying quality products from you. To start your verification process, checkout our Get Verified page to see the steps to follow.
We hope to see more and more quality craftsmanship in Africa. Let us bring pride to our motherland.
Thank you for your time Bellas, remember to tell share with your friends and family.
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