Cooking The Nigerian Ogbonu Soup


[dropcap custom_class=”normal”] Here you’ll find cooking tips, hints, and suggestions to make life easier in the kitchen. Check out the  cooker tips and tricks that we’ve collected. Plus, you will find in-depth how-to articles, and more! Today we will be talking about how to prepare delicious Ogbonu soup. [/dropcap]

Ogbono soup is a popular Nigerian slimy (draw) soup similar to okra soup. It is derived from the African bush mango seed. The Igbos call it ogbono while the Yoruba call it Apon. I bet many of us just eat the soup without thinking of the benefits. maxresdefault
Well research has shown that you can use ogbono seed to combat weight loss, it does this via inhibition of amylase; the enzyme responsible for absorption of sugar in the body. By decreasing the level of amylase, less sugar is absorbed by the body. From research I did back in school, it shows that ogbono seed has some phytochemical constituents which can act as an antioxidant that help fight diseases. It is also rich in protein and essential fats.

Okay back to business, let me not bore you with my plenty grammar.

What you’ll need:


Assorted meat and fish (beef, shaki, dry fish, stock fish)

One cup ground ogbono


Half cooking spoon of palm oil

Fluted pumpkin (ugu)

One tablespoon crayfish

Pepper and salt  to taste

Two seasoning cubes



Wash, season and cook the assorted meat, dry fish and stock fish with onions, stock cube and salt to taste. Cook until tender.

Slice the vegetables, grind the pepper and set aside.

Once all these is done, in a clean pot, pour the palm oil  and melt on very low heat.

Once melted, reduce the heat to the lowest and add the ground Ogbono. Dissolve the ogbono by pressing with the back of your spoon, stirring constantly .

Add the meat stock a cup at a time and stir into the soup until it is completely incorporated.

Cook on very low heat for 20 minutes, stirring every few minutes to ensure it does not get burned.

Add the assorted meat and fish, ground crayfish, salt and pepper to taste. Add more stock if needed and boil for five more minutes.

At this stage , you will notice the change in the aroma of the soup.

Add the chopped fluted pumpkin(ugu) and stir into the soup. Simmer for 1-2 minute and put of the heat.

Now your Ogbono soup is ready. Serve with any bolus meal (swallow) of your choice. Enjoy!


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