Back To School Checklist For All Age Groups

[dropcap custom_class=”normal”] The holiday season is drawing to an end and it’s time to go back to school. Our children are taller and many of their writing materials, backpacks and more need a change.

In the mist of wrapping up the holidays and resettling to our everyday routine, several important item may be forgotten when shopping for our children’s going back to school.
In this post, we have created a practical checklist to help you remember the essential items every child, young adult or adult going back to school will require.
Say bye to the stress filled days after the holidays! We’ve even gone the extra mile to make checklist charts you can pin for later use here… [/dropcap]
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Code Camp For African Teenagers

[dropcap custom_class=”normal”] Code Camp Africa is here to teach teenagers how to code and create apps from an early age. The best time for learning and assimilation is at this stage.
This is the opportunity the organizers of Code Camp Africa have seized to build the mind of teenagers for coding. They are preparing teens to use technology to solve problems.[/dropcap]
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