We all know, children love to be treasured and appreciated with wonderful items. But in choosing the right children’s gift items, you need to pay close attention to what will stir up excitement as well as what will be most valued and cherished by them.

If you are in a fix as to what to purchase for your loved ones, I got you covered!

Here are my top 5 favorite children’s gift items that will be so captivating and alluring to any child:


If you are wondering how this would excite a child, From my observation about children, they just love to look adorable and act like fashionistas at home. This Ankara gown is designed by Little weavers, a brand that is known to craft beautiful children’s wear ranging from different ages, sizes and shapes. There is always one child who loves to dress really cute, so go all out and make that child happy.

Ankara dress by little weavers on bellafricana Marketplace, Children's Gift item



Apart from this cutie being adorned with crochet, it also has an extra tutu beneath, that gives any baby the little princess vibes.. This tutu dress fits perfectly on any baby. Therefore, gift that “little Miss” this beautiful woven dress to give them a dapper, Amiable and delightful look. This is a signature of Tender hugs, and this brand offers lots of baby wears to choose from.

Crochet dress by Tender hugs on bellafricana Marketplace, Children's Gift item

Also read: Top 6 Afrocentric Gift Ideas

This portable school bag is a Yes-Yes. Children are more captivated with beautiful colors, no wonder chidren’s creche and nursery is usually beautified using fun and flamboyant colors. Zone A creation has done noble in crafting this beautiful bag, suitable for school or hung to events. If you are in search of a gift for your children, niblings or younger ones, then this is your go-for.

Bag Pack by ZoneA Creations on Bellafricana Marketplace, Children's Gift item

4. Children’s Hair kits

I don’t know if it just me, but babies with fully grown hair are the cutest. Yes, I said what I said. Even from a distance, once a babies hair is soft, shinny and beautiful they tend to get lot of admiration. If the skin is cherished and nourished, same rule should apply to the hair. A child’s hair is their crown, and crowns are valued, therefore, Amal Botanicals has an improvised hair kit, that helps to harness the growth of any baby’s hair.


Hair kits by Amal Botanical on bellafricana Marketplace, Children's Gift item



Baby bunnies are wonderful items to gift a new born, its really warm and soothing. its wont cause injuries to a child. its basically one of the soothing baby gift I have ever come across. Just as cartoons and animation are captivating to children, this crotchet dolls will most definitely be loved by babies. Tender hugs makes the best baby toys and wears that is friendly to the skins and has smooth surfaces.


Crochet Baby Bunnies and teddies by Tender Hugs on Bellafricana, Children's Gift item


With these 5 Best Children’s Gifts Items At Every Age, you are sure to get value from these items in Nigeria. You can as well choose from other different options and get tons of other exotic items for that wonderful child by clicking here. Follow us on Bellafricanashop on Instagram to get more items.