Touring Ghana, The Gold Coast of Africa by Daniel Okon

[dropcap custom_class=”normal”] Hello there, here’s a wonderful write up by our guest Daniel Okon, about his vacation in Ghana, the Gold Coast of Africa. If you don’t know much about the beauties of Africa, you need to read this destination review to the end.

Daniel Okon Writes About Ghana

When you think of going on vacation, a beautiful island in the Caribbean or a yacht experience in the south of France might be ideal.  You do not leave Africa to enjoy new experiences or have a fabulous time. There are many beautiful tourist sites and destination in Africa that are undervalued. Tour the Gold Coast of West Africa A.K.A Ghana with me. Akwaba! [/dropcap]
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5 Nuts With Great Health Benefits

[dropcap custom_class=”normal”] Travelling could be stressful at times. Therefore, you have to be healthy and fit always. Generally, when travelling our health status must be excellent hence eating junk food is not advisable. However,, Africa’s No 1 Hotel Booking Portal can categorically recommend nuts for everyone including travellers and tourists. Nuts are affordable and can be bought on the roadside in Lagos or any other states in Nigeria. Why are nuts good for your body? [/dropcap]

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