Yes, I know. Before you say it, I already know. I’ve been yapping about the ACE Awards 2021 for a little while now and that’s because it was a combination of the celebration of African Creatives and their works, great company and loads of fun. So many moments to relive but here are some of my favourite savouring moments at the ACE Awards 2021.
The Creatives Connect was a blast. There was never a dull moment as the ever-energetic compere – Ajala Nene who worked the crowd.
Then there was the photobooth. It turned out to be a huge side attraction and there were lots of display. Take a look.
The exhibition.
Of course, the exhibitiors were actively present, showcasing their lovely products for shoppers and all in attendance. Some of the products are:
Skincare products

Clothing & shoes



With the exhibition came shopping. They shopped and shopped and shopped!
Perhaps one of my favourite savouring moments at the ACE Awards 2021 was the laughter & touching moments. Who could resist this smile…
Then the delicious food!
Ahhh, yes, you truly missed out on a phenomenal night! Tarry not, as snippets of pictures, videos and articles are plastered everywhere. Interested? Connect with us to view more:
Instagram: @bell_africana
Facebook: Bellafricana
YouTube: Bellafricana
Until next time, be good and be safe!