How to Build a Sustainable Team to Achieve your Vision

A strong business team is vital to achieving your dream of building a sustainable business and becoming successful. No successful entrepreneur ever became a billionaire alone, they all have a team. Don’t miss the chance to join us this month.

The Bella community (powered by Bellafricana, a company that promotes African products and services) is a community where aspiring, upcoming and experienced entrepreneurs meet on a monthly (every 3rd Friday of the month) basis to connect and network. We do this to encourage aspiring entrepreneurs, help more business owners grow their businesses through networking, whilst gaining experience from proven entrepreneurs. You as intrapreneurs (working class) are also invited.

October Theme: “How to build a sustainable team to achieve your vision”
Guest Speaker: Mr Jimi Tewe, CEO of Inspiro Consulting and Mrs Ogo Ibok, CEO of Skill Enhancement Centre (SENCE)
Date: Friday, October 23
Time: 5pm – 8pm
Entry Fee: ₦3500 (Comes with food and drink)
Make payment to >> [Name: Bellafricana, Acc. no: 1013734944, Zenith Bank]
Venue: Labule Restaurant, 42A Ogudu Road, Lagos, Nigeria
Join the bella community today and learn from proven African experienced entrepreneurs. Come, connect and network with aspiring, upcoming and experienced entrepreneurs.

Get ready to swap ideas, business cards, resources, shortcuts, strategies, traditional/digital marketing tools & tactics, put our business online, meet other key professionals and get valuable introductions to various thought leaders.


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Enplug Africa Official Logo bellafricana

Join The Bella Community

[dropcap custom_class=”normal”] Based on a research and survey we carried out recently amongst creative entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs, we have come to the conclusion that to sustain an online community of African made products and services, an offline community will strongly enhance the growth of the online vision. Bellafricana (a company that promotes African made products and services) hereby presents “The Bella Community”. [/dropcap]
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