5 Reasons Why I Want To Visit Mauritius

Lately I have been thinking about travelling the world, and making memories that I will gist my kids about later on when they’re born, and almost everyone around me seemed to be talking about Mauritius, so I decided to do some research, and now I really want to go there!!!! Don’t judge me yet though, here are 5 reasons why I really want to visit Mauritius.

  1. I always aced Geography in high school, and I really did love the subject. But I never got to see many of the things I was taught in my textbooks. E.g Volcanos. Interestingly, Mauritius is a volcanic island that first rose above the waves eight million years ago. Who wouldn’t want to see that? Especially if you claim to love Geography
  2.  In 2017, Mauritius was named one of only four countries in the world which had no involvement in ongoing international or domestic conflict and no tensions with neighboring countries. The others were Botswana, Chile and Uruguay.
    (Source: p.13, Global Peace Index 2017) 
  3. Known to Arab and Malay sailors as early as the 10th century , Mauritius was first explored by the Portuguese in the 16th century and subsequently settled by the Dutch, the French and the British in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries respectively. It finally gained independence in 1968.
    (Source: CIA World Factbook) Four different colonial masters, and they still managed to stay grounded till date? Please I need to go there and ask some questions.

  4. The is no official language in Mauritius, although English and French are the ‘national languages’. The vast majority of the population (85.6%) speak Creole, a French-based patois.
    (Source: CIA World Factbook) I am thinking about teaching a few people the Pidgin English I learnt while I visited Warri for 4 months. I’m positive that they will love to learn it.
  5. The life expectancy in Mauritius – 70 years for men and 75 years for women – is higher than the world average and is well above the average for African countries.
    (Source: Britannica) I just want to find out how they live that long. I want to live long too. I need to confirm if the world will actually be run by robots like all those sci-fi movies tell us.

Above all, Mauritius is a really beautiful island, and I love beaches, I am a fine girl, and I have a good camera on my phone. Don’t we just go together like bread and butter?

Have you been to Mauritius? I’d love to hear about your experience. Please leave a comment below.

Destination Tuesday | 10 Must See Places In Mauritius

[dropcap custom_class=”normal”]Mauritius arguably Africa’s wealthiest destination is a beautiful island with tones of many places to visit. Port Louis, the modern capital of this 38-mile by 29-mile island, is a bustling port with a revitalized waterfront and a busy market. Mauritius is an island with rich mix of people of different descent including African, Chinese, Indian and European, with various cultures and traditions that flourish in peace to create a colourful, multicultural society.[/dropcap]Continue reading


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