The Made in Nigeria Conference & Exhibition 2021

The Made In Nigeria Project

The 5th edition of The Made in Nigeria Conference & Exhibition 2021 is here!The Made In Nigeria Project

The Made In Nigeria Project, organizers of The Made In Nigeria SME Conference & Exhibition has officially announced the fifth edition of its annual conference scheduled to hold on Tuesday, 30 November 2021 at the Landmark Events Centre, Victoria Island, Lagos. The one day Conference & Exhibition, themed; A Post-Covid Economy – The Growth & Future of SMEs seeks to pragmatically address the present realities and challenges faced by MSMEs post Covid19 and have critical discussions on issues bordering on SMEs advancement, economic growth, ease of doing business, economic diversification, access to finance, and the role the informal sector plays towards job creation & employment.

made in nigeria sme conference & exhibition 2018 - 2The key thrust of the one day conference will focus on a holistic national framework that will project ‘Made In Nigeria’ as the surest and most bankable alternative to oil and provide a national development strategy for our short, medium and long term plan for self-sufficiency, economic diversification and an export-driven economy with a focus on encouraging local production and consumption.made in nigeria sme conference & exhibition - THE EXHIBITION - WAZOBIA The Conference will feature notable speakers & panellists drawn from the public and private sectors and on the sidelines of the event host The Made In Nigeria Exhibition – WAZOBIA which will have a special trade hub and will be open to manufacturers, distributors, service providers whose products and services are Made in Nigeria themed.

On the sidelines of the event is the DEAL ROOM, an exclusive and specially dedicated room for SMEs at the conference. Consultants, private organizations, public agencies, and advisory firms will provide free 360 consultancy, tailored assessment, profiling, financial services, business solutions & mentoring to MSMEs at no cost as we have partnered with relevant stakeholders to enhance their businesses, provide funding, offer business support, empower them and aid their growth.


Registration is FREE and now open via –

Join the conversation via – #MIN5

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Entering the Export Market: What you should know About Trade Missions


Trade missions are an important indicator of expansion. They are crucial for creative businesses within Africa willing to enter new markets, mainly to facilitate, streamline and optimize the process that must be followed to export to many countries.

How do Trade Missions Work?

Trade missions are pre-arranged working trips that are conducted by organizations, to serve the interest of exporters.

A trade mission brings together suppliers and potential customers in one place for a few days of intensive meet-and-greets and matchmaking.

Generally organized by governments, in conjunction with trade groups, trade missions allow a lot of business to be done within a short period.

Why go on Trade Missions?

The trade mission allows you to gain better market intelligence to expand your markets.

In terms of marketing, a well-organized and properly lead trade mission is a great leveraging tool.

What do Trade Missions offer?

A well-organized trade mission provides expert service and assistance to include the following activities:

  • Qualify potential customers pertinent to your company’s product.
  • Identify potential representation partners.
  • Provide contact with government and public officials.
  • Offer translation as needed.
  •  Arrange logistics, including local transportation, accommodations, appointments, and meeting facilities.

How do you get the most out of Trade Missions?

TradeMission Meetings

First, clearly define your expectations for participating on the trip. (Be sure to write specific, simple and quantifiable objectives).

The second most important criterion to get the most out of a trade mission is to provide your mission leader with a one-page profile. This should be sent as far in advance as possible. One page is preferred as it can be faxed, emailed and handed out in pre-mission recruiting activity.

What should your profile contain?

The first item of your profile should clearly state a one-paragraph description of your company.

Second on the list should be a paragraph explaining, in lay terminology, your product or service.

Next, you should include an explanation of the type of company and person you need to meet with.

The fourth item to include is a brief list of your most important expectations.

This one-page profile makes it easier for the mission leader to understand how to best help you.
It will also be a constant reminder to keep you focused and on track before and during your mission.


In summary, a well-organized and clearly defined trade mission can be one of your best marketing and sales tools to help you grow your creative business internationally.

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NEPC restores AGOA visa stamp to exporters

The Nigerian Export Promotion Council (NEPC) has re-introduced the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) Visa Stamp to exporters to ensure that they participate and benefit more from the Act before it expires in 2025.

AGOA is an act of parliament passed by the United States Congress in 2000. Also referred to as Trade and Development Act, it was meant to assist the economies of sub-Saharan Africa and improve economic relations between the U.S and the region.

AGOA is currently in act until 2025. After completion of the initial 15-year period it was extended by one more decennium, including newly added products. The products newly covered by the legislation include items such as:

  • Agricultural products
  • Apparel and footwear
  • Motor vehicle components
  • Chemicals
  • Wine
  • Steel

So why is this act interesting for you as exporter? AGOA provides Nigerian exporters with numerous attractive advantages in doing international business:

  • Duty-free access for eligible products to USA
  • Significant competitive tariff advantages over non-AGOA countries
  • Encouragement of regional integration and production sharing among beneficiary countries
  • Security of the act ensured until 2025

To be duty-free eligible under AGOA, US customs requires a certificate of origin and an AGOA stamp on a commercial invoice. These documents are needed in addition to the always required documentation for imports. You cannot apply for AGOA certification in the US. It must be done by yourself in Nigeria.

If you want to benefit from AGOA, contact the regional NEPC-office in Lagos via, email [email protected]  or [email protected].

Speaking at the NEPC workshop on AGOA Visa Stamp utilisation in Lagos, the agency’s Executive Director, Mr. Olusegun  Awolowo, said AGOA was also meant to forge stronger commercial ties between Nigeria as well as other qualified African countries and the United States.

Represented by the Deputy Director, National Office on Trade, Mr. Saave Nanakaan, Awolowo said AGOA was meant to help integrate Nigeria and other African counties into the global economy.


He said the extension of the scheme to 2025 was because many African economies such as Rwanda and Uganda performed better than Nigeria under the scheme.

Visa Stamp, which was introduced on January 18, 2016, took effect from February 8 of the same year. It was another step to further simplify U.S market access of textiles and garments from AGOA-eligible countries.

Under the process, the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative has directed U.S. Customs and Border Protection to permit importers to submit electronic images of appropriate export visas when claiming preferential treatment for textile and apparel products under the Act.

Textile and apparel goods from an AGOA beneficiary country will only receive preferential duty treatment once a visa arrangement is established. Visas are issued by the government of beneficiary sub-Saharan African countries.

Export Procedure For Made in Nigeria Products

[dropcap custom_class=”normal”] Export is one of the major ways I believe the Nigerian market can maximise it’s potential. Most people I’ve met, get to know my stand on import and export before too long.
It is not an hidden fact that I am always on the campaign for exportation of quality made in Nigeria products. This is one of the drive behind Bellafricana. We aim to bridge the gap between the producers and the local & global market.
In this post, one of our Bellafricana Verified business owner shares her first hand experience with the export process. Her name is Achenyo Idachaba, she is the Founder and CEO of MitiMeth, a made in Nigeria initiative that solves environmental problems while creating employment opportunity for the people.
It is always important to learn from each other and pass the lesson learnt on. This is why we would like you to follow Achenyo’s write up closely, you might learn something priceless here too. She writes… [/dropcap]
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Highlights From The SME Non-Oil Export Workshop by ASSETS & African Hub

[dropcap custom_class=”normal”] A while ago we shared with you the details about an upcoming SME Non-Oil Export Workshop, Themed Dollars and Sense. Dollars and Sense! Repositioning Nigerian SMEs As Catalysts to Achieve Rapid, Sustainable Growth in the Non-oil Export Sector.
The workshop was organised by African Sustainable SME Export Trade Solutions (ASSETS) in partnership with African Hub International. This event was coordinated by Ms Shade Bembatoum-Young, the CEO of African Sustainable SME Export Trade Solutions (ASSETS).
If you missed the opportunity to participate in this enlightening workshop, you can read the highlights as written by Siaka Momoh on Real Sector Now, below… [/dropcap]
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Dollars and Sense: Nigerian SMEs in Non-Oil Export Sector

[dropcap custom_class=”normal”] African Sustainable SME Export Trade Solutions (ASSETS) is partnering with African Hub International to bring to all SMEs a constructive workshop themed Dollars & Sense! Repositioning Nigerian SMEs As Catalysts to Achieve Rapid, Sustainable Growth in the Non-oil Export Sector.
The workshop coordinator, Ms Shade Bembatoum-Young, is the CEO of African Sustainable SME Export Trade Solutions (ASSETS). She will be sharing amply from her vast knowledge on non-oil export with attendees… [/dropcap]
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ASSETS and Bellafricana SME Export Workshop

[dropcap custom_class=”normal”] African Sustainable SME Export Trade Solutions (ASSETS) and Bellafricana present Repositioning Nigerian SMEs As A Catalyst To Achieve Rapid, Sustainable Growth In The Non-Oil Export Sector.
Have you ever asked yourself any of these questions?
• Can SMEs become major players in the non-oil export value chain?
• Should my company get involved in export?
• How do I know if my product is export ready?
• If I don’t have a product yet what can I do?
• If I am a marketer can I get involved in export?
• Should I switch from import to export?
If you want answers to any of these questions, then you don’t want to miss a golden opportunity at the SME Export Workshop to get practical, down to earth answers to these and many other questions. You will also get the latest information about new incentives and critical issues affecting the non-oil export sector in Nigeria. [/dropcap]
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