ASSETS and African Hub International: Thinking About Export?

[dropcap custom_class=”normal”]  Thinking About Export? Remember – Fools Rush In Where Angels Fear To Tread! African Sustainable SME Export Trade Solutions (ASSETS) is partnering with African Hub International to bring to all SMEs a constructive workshop themed Preparing Nigerian SMEs For Opportunities And Challenges In The Non-oil Export Sector. [/dropcap]
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Dollars and Sense: Nigerian SMEs in Non-Oil Export Sector

[dropcap custom_class=”normal”] African Sustainable SME Export Trade Solutions (ASSETS) is partnering with African Hub International to bring to all SMEs a constructive workshop themed Dollars & Sense! Repositioning Nigerian SMEs As Catalysts to Achieve Rapid, Sustainable Growth in the Non-oil Export Sector.
The workshop coordinator, Ms Shade Bembatoum-Young, is the CEO of African Sustainable SME Export Trade Solutions (ASSETS). She will be sharing amply from her vast knowledge on non-oil export with attendees… [/dropcap]
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ASSETS and Bellafricana Non-Oil SME Export Workshop

There has been a rise in the number of SMEs looking to go global, but do they know what it takes to remain sustainable and make profit?

The importance of capacity building and developing Nigeria’s Non-oil Export sector at this critical point in our Nation’s History cannot be overemphasised.

SMEs play an essential role in increasing the sustainable development of the Non-Oil Export sector.

African Sustainable SME Export Trade Solutions (ASSETS) and Bellafricana, present

Theme: “Repositioning Nigerian SMEs As Catalysts To Achieve Rapid, Sustainable Growth In The Non-Oil Export Sector”.

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ASSETS and Bellafricana SME Export Workshop

[dropcap custom_class=”normal”] African Sustainable SME Export Trade Solutions (ASSETS) and Bellafricana present Repositioning Nigerian SMEs As A Catalyst To Achieve Rapid, Sustainable Growth In The Non-Oil Export Sector.
Have you ever asked yourself any of these questions?
• Can SMEs become major players in the non-oil export value chain?
• Should my company get involved in export?
• How do I know if my product is export ready?
• If I don’t have a product yet what can I do?
• If I am a marketer can I get involved in export?
• Should I switch from import to export?
If you want answers to any of these questions, then you don’t want to miss a golden opportunity at the SME Export Workshop to get practical, down to earth answers to these and many other questions. You will also get the latest information about new incentives and critical issues affecting the non-oil export sector in Nigeria. [/dropcap]
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