Everything called “business” existing today still has its crux hinged around the exchanging of goods(products) or services for paymnt, and no matter how small or big these products and services to be offered are, there is a process which involves several techniques, rules and procedures that simply cannot be overlooked that goes behind.

For example: Have you noticed how your tailor converts those yards of uncut fabric into beautifully crafted dress designs? And to your specifications too?

The whole transformation process starts from obtaining your body measurements and desired style. She then carefully cuts the fabric into different shaped pieces before she then starts sewing it together to form your dress.

Another designer goes behind to work on the embellishments and finishing touches, putting careful detail into every flow of tasks that’s needed to make a perfect dress.

What do these processes indicate? A system. Workflow, if you will.

What really is a workflow?

A workflow refers to any action or series of actions which are automated by other means e.g. tools, digital methods that can be triggered to occur by human actions. Thus, making all the tasks, information and data (carried out by staff and employees) streamlined to the achievement of the business/company’s goals.

Workflows essentially help reduce the stress of dealing with each step of the process manually and also cuts down precious time being wasted in achieving set targets and ultimately business goals.

Does your business need a workflow? Absolutely! Working hard is great, but working smart helps you get the job done quickly while you still retain your edge in the game.

Why your Business Should Have a workflow

Adopting a well-tailored workflow in your business can bring about a very sporadic change to your business management methods, optimize your business processes and ultimately its overall growth-rate.
Below are some noteworthy reasons why you should consider creating a workflow for your business today.

1. Improved Time Management


Time #management Almost all businesses are deadline driven and most of the time, they all usually end up wasting so much precious time getting manually involved with every stage of the process.

They eventually do not have time to bring in more creativity and by so doing jeopardizing quality. With the help of a good process automation software, you can automate several tasks such as project reminders, sending company mails out, setting up meetings, document reviews etc, and cut down on some wasted time.

2. Enhanced means of Communication


Poor communication between employer and employees and also amidst employees too is one of the biggest hinderance to business growth. This causes a general misunderstanding of company goals and objectives which may lead to poor and inaccurate decisions on anyone’s part.

Having a uniform automated communication channel eliminates the possibilities of human error.It will be ultimately pivotal to the overall team morale.

3. Designation of responsibilities

workflow responsibilities

As a business owner, you want to make sure that responsibilities are properly assigned to all of your employees with regards to the skill and capacity they each possess. This is to ensure that hands and brains are maximized to the fullest towards achieving set business objectives.

Each stage of the workflow helps define the specific responsibilities to be carried by each person more efficiently.

4. Enhanced Creativity & Productivity

The use of workflows overtime enhances creativity and ultimately productivity.

This is due to the fact that the bulk of the time-consuming processes are out of the way and there is now enough room for fresh views, ideas, reviews, criticisms, etc. amongst employees. The business’s growth is hinged to the employees’ creativity while the employee’s career growth is hinged to the company’s overall success.
Workflows make it easier for everyone.

Will you be willing to try this? I would love to hear from you.