Why should creative businesses join a community?


           “Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much”
              – Helen Keller

Many businesses today play the solitude game, and it has become profoundly important to drive conversations that spell out the need for creative businesses to join relevant business communities.

It is especially important for small businesses trying to sell and carve a niche for themselves locally to leverage on the inummerable benefits that come along with being part of a community where focus is directed more on partnerships, collaboration, and positive work culture.

How community membership benefits your business
  • A Sense of Connection

One major benefit a community provides is a unique support network for businesses (and individuals) that lends something that we all look for: a sense of belonging. That feeling of being connected and accepted by your peers is important for our personal growth and development.

By feeling like you belong, you have the confidence to take risks and try new things – which is the only way we can grow as a business and as a professional.


By feeling like you belong, you have the confidence to take risks and try new things – which is the only way we can grow as a business and as a professional.

  • Access to seasoned professionals

Another major advantage of belonging to one of these communities is getting access to seasoned professionals who have seen it all and have some great “war stories” to share.

Not only do these mentors have great advice about proven best strategies, but these more experienced professionals also know a lot more people than you do and are often willing to connect you to additional resources.

Numbers are the real strength of a community. While being an entrepreneur can be exciting and satisfying, it’s also challenging, so it helps to know you have the support of an entire community.

Strength in Numbers
Whether you want to form a coalition to challenge industry regulations or just need someone to listen, having peers to support you is critical.


  • Leadership/ Training Opportunities

Actively participating in community groups will eventually get you the chance to step forward and distinguish yourself as a thought leader within your industry.

You can help others, teach them, guide them to achieve more with the help of your unique experience. You’ll

  • Attention to industry trend movements

It is easy to work in a vacuum, handling daily operations, putting out fires, and living and breathing your own business.

However, you may find that it distracts you from what is going on around you, including events and breakthroughs that impact your industry or the overall business environment.

industry trend movement

Joining a community keeps you attuned to what is happening that could impact your business, as well as to ideas that might change your strategy or perception of what your customers need and want.

If you’re a creative business owner, and need a supportive community where you can get access to perks like:

Trading funds without collateral

Discounts and notifications on exhibition on Opportunities

Trainings to help grow your business, and lots more, you need to join the Bellafricana family.

The Bellafricana community boasts of a network of like minded creative businesses, who look out for each other, and treat one another as family. See what a Bellafricana Member has to say about this:

Didi Green

To join our community of audacious, talented and creative african inspired businesses, click on the link here

5 Books Every Entrepreneur Should Read

It’s a known fact that Entrepreneurs have to cultivate the habit of reading, here are 5 books every entrepreneur should read.⁣ You will agree with me that reading is important to everyone. Well except, those who are content with remaining in the same spot forever.

Joseph Addison says :“Reading does to the mind what exercise does to the body”

If you’re an Entrepreneur or with an entrepreneurial mindset, you must have read a couple of books that have proved invaluable to you and your business.⁣

Haven’t started reading any books and don’t know where to start? Or you need to add more to your stash?

I would be glad to suggest a couple of books that come recommended (and written) by renowned Business strategists and successful Entrepreneurs.

PS: This List is not Exhaustive. Feel Free to add to the list.

Let’s get to it…

1. Lost and Founder by Rand Fishkin

This book will help you see why keeping your existing customers satisfied is a very important obligation to fulfill, before you consider expanding. It also shows the “not so rosy” side of starting up, and venture Capitalism. If you’re afraid of the truth, don’t read this book. 

5 books every entrepreneur should read, Lost and Founder by Rand Fishkin
Lost and Founder by Rand Fishkin
2. Rework by Jason Fried and Heinemeier Hansson

This book emphasizes the importance of Time management, Spending less time on competition, and being flexible with set plans.


5 books every entrepreneur should read,Rework by Jason Fried a must read book
Rework by Jason Fried a must read book
3. The 7 habits of Highly Effective People

This book just had to be on the List. It’s a self improvement book that helps you develop qualities that  can help you build better relationships, and grow your business exponentially.

5 books every entrepreneur should read, the 7 habits of highly effective people read book
The 7 habits of highly effective people read book

4. The Culture Blue Print by Robert Richman⁣

This book is a systematic guide to how a workplace can help people grow, inspire amazing service, and ultimately drive revenue through amazing culture.

5 books every entrepreneur should read, The culture blue print book to read
The culture blue print book to read
5. Leadership and Self- Deception by the Arbinger Institute.⁣

This book captures you by using an entertaining story about an executive facing challenges at work and at home to expose the precise psychological processes that conceal true motivations, intentions and trap you in a “box” of endless self-justification.

Leadership and self deception book to read
Leadership and self deception book to read

Did you find these books useful? Have you read any of these books? What other impactful book would you recommend for Entrepreneurs or Startups? ⁣Please share in the comment section below.

Images source: Amazon & Microsoft Bing


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