Dear Business Owner,
Which of the following challenges would you want solved immediately?
1. Marketing
You need your products shown to a wider audience, as you’re fully aware that while you may have your marketing figured out right, nothing else beats your products being seen through a new pair of eyes.
2. Resources to Learn
You understand that for your business to grow, scale or evolve, then you need to keep learning, unlearning and relearning. You’re aware that it’s possible to get stuck if you keep doing the same things the same way, and so you need to keep improving.
However, there’s a huge volcano of knowledge out there, and it can feel overwhelming not knowing where to start.
3. Support
You’re thankful for the backing your friends and family give you (infact without them, your business might not have even kicked off). However, as you mature in business, you realize that doing business alone can be daunting. Alone? Yes, without the support of like-minded business owners that can open the way up for collaborations, can be your accountability partners ( to ensure you don’t deviate from your business goals)
4. Reduced Costs
Wouldn’t it be absolutely Marvelous if these business costs could just miraculously disappear? Lol. We all know that it’s not possible at all. To run a business, money has to drop, Right? Branding, Printing costs, logistics, and so on could drill holes in one’s pockets. What if these costs could be slashed so the funds can be diverted to other things?
5. /Exposure/ Being Well Positioned
There are global, continental and national institutions that are charged to recognize and honour and support hard-working and amazing creative indigenous businesses. They can find your brand only when you are well-positioned. For instance, the Nigerian Export Promotion Council, Bank of Industry, Lioness of Africa, ITC She Trades, Nigerian Export and Import Bank (NEXIM) are always looking for ways to support creatives.
We recently released an E-book Outlining 10 strategies to grow and scale a creative, African-Owned business. And It’s yours to grab.
Just click on this link Sign up, and download yours right away!