We are in the 21st century and the world is already being recognized as a “global village”. The world is now almost connected by telecommunications as well as the internet/media; as everyone now has access to any information they want, they can learn anything, contact anyone, carry out business transactions, even build their very own business brand; and all from the comfort of their couch. Looking back at the olden age, all these privileges we enjoy were not available in the 1800s or early 1900s by our ancestors, so to say, as they lived in a time where everything was backwards and underdeveloped, Africa especially.
For your keen knowledge, the word “Global Village” was a phrase coined by Marshall McLuhan in 1964, which he used to describe how the world is connected as a result of modern communication; thus linking everyone in the world. The idea of the global village is that everyone, just like one extended central nervous system is connected by telecommunications, the media and the internet as a whole. Looking at how things are today, we can all testify that we can’t do without the internet or our gadgets (not even if we tried) because they’ve become an important part of our everyday lives; whether we’re working, reading/learning something new, disseminating or gathering information, or just for the fun of it.
Why then is the world a global village? Why didn’t we just remain in the olden era and live as our ancestors did? Well, the world became a global village because a lot of things needed to change, there was a need for development and a need to bridge the gap between people of the world. Here’s why the world decided to become globalized and what gaps needed to be bridged:
Cultural Barrier:
Before globalization, the internet and telecommunications, the biggest problem the world had were cultural differences and misinformation. Looking at how Joseph Conrad portrayed Africans in his novel “Heart of Darkness”, there was a misconception on his part due to lack of information as he saw Africans as barbaric, uncultured animals but, now, thanks to the internet, Africa is being seen as a vast cultural nation with talents, creativity, culture, beauty and so on.

Living in the world as a global village, everyone can now learn a lot about different countries as well as their culture without having to travel there. For example, through the use of the media which connects everyone in the world, people have learnt about and even travelled to witness Calabar festival, Dubai shopping festival, Paris fashion week, Lagos Fashion and Design Week, as well as other events around the world thus, breaking the barrier of cultural misconception.
Information wasn’t widely spread as it is now. Back then, it would take days or even weeks for information to be spread among states but now, thanks to globalization which first brought newspapers, radios, televisions and then the world wide web known as the Internet and social media, information can be spread across the world in a couple of minutes. We no longer miss anything (no need for newspapers either) and we’re constantly updated 24/7 about what’s happening on the other side of the world without being there and, we can easily share our views and opinions, all thanks to the media. Although television is still in use, our phones especially have become an easy means of having “information with you on the go” as you can check for anything online anytime and anywhere (explains why I’m always on my phone).
Just like it was with information, it was also very difficult to communicate with one another in the olden era, especially with someone in a different country. Before the invention of the post office, you’d have to pay a visit to whoever you wanted to communicate with; so long as they were in the same town with you (thankfully that’s over) but now, the internet has practically changed the world and has impacted communication thus, enabling everyone to communicate easily regardless of the distance (you just have to pick up your phone and call or send a message to anyone anywhere in the world).
Globalization first brought to us phones and then the internet/social media which has made it easier to communicate with anyone anywhere in the world even without calling thus breaking the communication barrier (video calls have also made it easier for you to feel like you’re there with your loved one, it’s super exciting). Almost everyone in the world now has access to a gadget or the internet, which has become the main mode of communication.
Trade by barter was what existed back then but now, I certainly wouldn’t want to trade my shoe for a bag when I can buy the bag anywhere (I can have my cake and eat it). I also wouldn’t want to go to the market to buy something when I can easily order it online, from the comfort of my home, and have it brought to my doorstep. Globalization has changed the conventional ways of trading (buying and selling) and has transformed the physical market into an online market/ platform like Bellafricana, as more shoppers use the internet to buy goods daily and also, most offline markets are now taking their business to the internet as it is easier to reach a vast audience in a short while (the internet is everything!). Thus, increasing capital, and making trade between countries easier.
Transportation and Travel:

Back then, the mode of transportation was either through walking, canoe, or the use of animals (before bicycles were invented of course), despite the distance. Thankfully, now, we no longer have to walk a long distance like the people of Israel did because transportation now connects us easily through fast and effective means of transportation. Globalization helped us conquer time and distance through the use of cars, trains and planes which runs on fuel/diesel rather than manpower. Now, you can easily travel anywhere around the world (you no longer have to walk thankfully) for any reason whatsoever without any hassle.
- Creative Awareness:

Back then, though people were creative geniuses, they had no means of showcasing their talent. Thanks to globalization now, you can create an artwork or a piece of art, post it on the internet and have it seen by people around the world (even sell it) and, just about anyone can use and access the internet from any device. Africa for example, being a vast country full of people who are highly creative can now showcase their talents, indigenous arts and culture to people around the world.
Job Opportunities:
I think we can all agree that it’s now easier to find a job online than it was years ago when you had to go around with your CV looking for job vacancies (it was really frustrating). Now, there are online sites you can search for job opportunities and easily send your CV without moving an inch. Not to mention that you can even start your own business online, promote it and make your own income. All these weren’t possible then but now, globalization has made life a bit easier as it opens our business market to a whole new world.
Improve Standard of Living
Like I said earlier, globalization has made life a lot easier and has improved our standards of living as consumers now have more opportunities to pick quality items at the right place for the right price with no restrictions on the goods. Also, everything can be done from the comfort of our homes now without much stress, improving the standard of living for people across the world.
Globalization has brought people of the world together even during trying times. The good side of globalization is that it has connected people such that we’re aware of the sufferings, attacks, war and bad things happening around the world such that we come together to fight for a good cause, lend a helping hand as well as spread peace and love to everyone affected. For example, during governmental oppression of the masses, protests are done on social media against the government to raise awareness and put an end to it.
Modernity and Diversity:
Globalization has brought about modernization in countries like India, Nigeria, etc that were economically backwards and has also increased diversity in all fields, which has brought about different opinions as well as solutions to problems that weren’t seen.
A lot of barriers that hindered growth and development needed to be broken, which was what brought about globalization, turning the world into a global village connecting everyone around the world. Globalization broke the barrier of distance, communication, buying and selling, travelling, and so on, turning the world into a small, developed, modern village. As such, the world as a global village has successfully brought everyone around the world together irrespective of their race, gender or tribe.