Hi There! Did you hear about the Bellafricana Official Launch Party? The one where we unveiled the membership platform? Yes, on May 11, we hosted a virtual party. And like the previous one (the creatives’virtual meetup), it was so much fun.
It was basically a reunion of people who have supported the Bellafricana vision to impact creatives across Africa! We had a turnout of over Hundred participants altogether at the Party. Mentors and friends of the brand (even past the shores of Africa) were in attendance as well.
The evening was a fun one, with our DJ giving us some cool music to vibe to. Beatrice Miangogo, the compere for the evening did an amazing job as the program glided so smoothly till the end.
What was the highlight of the evening? The official Launch of the membership platform! Let me quickly walk you through:
1. We started with a countdown video
We had everyone unmute their Mics and countdown in Unison from 10 down to 1, after which we unveiled the platform. It was such Watch it here:
2. After unveiling the video, we also shared an explainer video that broke down what the platform was about.
Watch video here:
The membership platform is tout to bring a solution to the lack of resources that creative business owners have today
In this platform, you’ll find expert-led masterclasses, a wide variety of tools, Directories (of Creative brands, Suppliers, Retailers, Wholesalers, and Associations). See what I’m talking about below:

Can you see how rich this platform is? The best part is that this learning is self-paced, and you can learn at your convenience. Another interesting feature of this platform? Let me show you:
So you don’t get too overwhelmed with information, once you log on to the dashboard, you can find information based on your business stage.
Are you in:
The starter stage: You are in this category if you haven’t generated up-to 6-figures in profit yet or not gotten up to 50 customers.
The Scaler stage: You are in this category if you have generated over 6-figures in profit but not up to 7-figures. Your customer base is not up to 100 customers yet.
Now, once you’ve identified your business stage, you will then be guided to the list of information that you will be needing to scale your business.
We have already received mind-blowing feedback from users about how wonderful the user-experience is. You can also enjoy these benefits and more a member of the Bellafricana community.
Why not click on the link below:
You can also check out the affordable pricing for subscription on this platform:
If you have further enquiries, don’t hestate to reach out to me on 08086363970 or reply this post.